Free Electron Documented Operators
Common Operator Info
FE InfluenceOp

color influences do not cross gap in geometry


Transfers an attribute value from influence locations based on geodesic distance.


An attribute will be created on the Input Surface.

The weighting from multiple influences is based on geodesic distance along the Driver Surface. Distance calculations of each influence actually start from nearest location on the the driver surface for the location of the influence. Likewise, the distance is only determined up to the nearest location on the driver surface for each input point that is evaluated.

Each primitive in the Influence Surface is a separate influence. Currently, the position of the first vertex of each primitive is the location of the primitive's influence.

Using influence primitives instead of points was chosen for compatibility with WayPointOp, which provides an nice generalized system to specify multiple influences. But, any means that provides a compatible input should work fine.


The primitive real or vector Value Attribute provides the source value for each primitive of the Influence Surface.

The point vector Create Attribute on the Input Surface is where the computed result for each input point will be stored. If you choose to Also Set Color, the same value will overwrite the color attribute.

The primitive real Radius Attribute on the Influence Surface indicate the reach of that influence, with a linear fade to that distance. Each radius is multiplied by Scale Radius. If there is no Radius Attribute, then Scale Radius is the uniform radius for all influences.


tested in Houdini

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