class | fe::ext::BenderOp |
| Operator to bend primitives. More...
class | fe::ext::Blade |
| minimal semi-implicit curve sim More...
class | fe::ext::BladeOp |
| Handler to bend and buckle curves based on a collider. More...
class | fe::ext::ClumpOp |
| pull input curves towards guide curves More...
class | fe::ext::ContractOp |
| receed points back along on their original curves More...
class | fe::ext::CurlOp |
| spiral output curves around input curves More...
class | fe::ext::DodgeOp |
| Operator to move curves away from a collider. More...
class | fe::ext::FlatnessOp |
| lay curves down towards a direction, such as a skin tangent More...
class | fe::ext::KinkOp |
| displace points on curves using a Perlin field More...
class | fe::ext::ScatterOp |
| create points on the input surface More...
class | fe::ext::SpineFitOp |
| Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve. More...
class | fe::ext::TwistBindOp |
| Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve. More...
class | fe::ext::TwistWrapOp |
| Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve. More...
class | fe::ext::WavyOp |
| bend and twist output curves from input curves More...