►Nbeacon | |
CBeaconClientI | Client Node interface to Beacon |
CBeaconClientStartup | Client Node interface to Beacon |
CBeaconClientStartupI | Client Node interface to Beacon |
CBeaconServer | Node registration and simulation time syncronization |
CBeaconServerStartup | Node registion and simulation time sycronization |
CBeaconTimeSyncI | Beacon for time synchronization |
CGlobalDictionary | Global Dictionary of name/value strings |
►Nfe | Kernel |
►Ndata | |
CAsciiStream | Ascii IO |
CBinaryStream | Binary IO |
►Next | |
►Ndata | |
CJsonReader | Stream intrepreter for reading JSON files |
CJsonWriter | Stream generator for writing JSON files |
CAccessView | Test view specification |
CAggregate | A bundling of src/data type into a concrete notion |
CAnnotate | Set a record attribute to a given record |
CAppDebugWindow | Data System debug window |
CApplicationI | Application framework interface |
CArena | Arena RecordView |
CArnoldContext | Shared FE context for Arnold plugins |
CArnoldNode | Arnold node |
CArnoldShader | Arnold shader |
CAsAccumulate | Accumulate signal |
CAsBend | For bending element based on Volino 2006 bending model |
CAsBlendTireModel | Simple Blend Tire Model |
CAsBounded | Possible bounding area/volume attributes |
CAsBox | Test-only |
CAsBrushTire | Real Time Brush Tire |
CAsBrushTireModel | Brush Tire Model |
CAsCallback | Callback signal wrapper |
CAsClear | Clear signal |
CAsColor | Color information |
CAsContact | This contact data model is such that there is no memory lifecycling |
CAsDataset | Associates a name with a RecordGroup |
CAsDriveline | Driveline |
CAsDrivelineLive | Run Time Driveline |
CAsDrivelineModel | Driveline Model |
CAsForcePoint | Force application point |
CAsForcePoint1D | Force application point |
CAsGround | Ground |
CAsInit | Signal to Initialize |
CAsLabeled | Labeled |
CAsLinearSpring | Basic Hooke's law linear spring |
CAsLinearTireModel | Simple Linear Tire Model |
CAsLocator | Something with a location in simulation |
CAsManipulatable | Manipulated |
CAsManipulator | Manipulator |
CAsMount | Rig to Tire mount |
CAsNamed | Named Records |
CAsOperator | Group Operator |
CAsOrbiter | Test-only |
CAsOrtho | Orthographic projection related |
CAsPair | Pair of records |
CAsParticle | Particle in physical space |
CAsParticle1D | Particle in physical space |
CAsPerspective | Perspective projection related |
CAsPick | World space selection |
CAsProjected | Projected |
CAsQuad | Quad in physical space |
CAsRectButton | Rectangular UI button |
CAsRig | Tire Test Rig |
CAsRigLive | Tire Test Rig Live |
CAsRotationalMechanical | Rotational Mechanical System |
CAsRotationalMechanicalLive | Run Time Rotational Mechanical System |
CAsSelect | General selection/picking |
CAsSelectable | UI selectable |
CAsSelection | Screen space selection |
CAsShaft | Driveline Shaft |
CAsShaftLive | Run Time Driveline Shaft |
CAssign | Assign the value of one attribute to another attribute |
CAsSignal | Possible attributes of a top level signal |
CAsSplat | Splat Configuration |
CAsStickTireModel | Simple Stick Tire Model |
CAsStringEntry | String entry |
CAsTemporal | Time-based Operator |
CAsTick | Time/Simulation Tick Signal |
CAsTime | Clock |
CAsTire | Tire |
CAsTireLive | Run Time Single Contact Tire Model |
CAsTireModel | Tire Model |
CAsUpdate | Update state signal |
CAsValidate | Validate signal |
CAsViewer | SignalerViewerI attributes |
CAsViewport | Accessor Set for a viewport |
CAsWidget | Rectangular widget |
CAsWindata | Window data |
CAttachOp | Operator to attach one surface to another |
CAttract | Employ attraction |
CAttractor | Attractor RecordView |
CAudible | Audible RecordView |
CAudioAL | Audio handling using OpenAL |
CAudioI | Sound system |
CBallCollideCLOp | OpenCL operator to move curve outside of a sphere |
CBasicSourceSink | Changes local value in scalar field |
CBCGThreaded | Solve Ax=b for x |
CBehavior | Behavior RecordView |
CBenderOp | Operator to bend primitives |
CBendOp | Bend surface to the side |
CBiconjugateGradient | Solve Ax=b for x |
CBindEditOp | Operator to interactively change wrap bindings |
CBlade | Minimal semi-implicit curve sim |
CBladeOp | Handler to bend and buckle curves based on a collider |
CBlendShapeOp | Weighted Average of Multiple Surfaces |
CBlendTire | Blend Tire Model |
CBloatOp | Operator to expand surfaces |
CBoundingSphere | Bounding sphere for arbitrary points |
CBoxRecordView | Test-only |
CBoxViewerSystem | Test-only |
CBrushTestOp | Operator to mouse event and custom drawing |
CBrushTire | Brush Tire Model |
CBrushTireSystem | Brush Tire Model System |
CBruteCollide | N-squared collision detection and resolution |
CBSDServer | Serves signaling |
CButtonController | Button controller |
CCacheCLOp | Cache ti input the first time and then copy it back thereafter |
CCacheOp | Store and reuse copies of the input |
CCameraControllerI | Viewpoint controller for a Viewer |
CCameraEditable | Adjustable Camera |
CCameraI | Viewing position |
CCannon | Cannon RecordView |
CCanonical | Get a vector of Records using a string "address" |
CCanonicalRealGet | FunctionI to get real value attributes in src/data |
CCanonicalRealSet | FunctionI to set real value attributes in src/data |
CCatalogReaderJson | Load catalog from json file |
CCatalogReaderYaml | Load catalog from yaml file |
CCatalogWriterJson | Save catalog to json file |
CCatalogWriterYaml | Save catalog to yaml file |
CChainOp | Instantiate links along a curve |
CChainSignaler | SignalerI that calls registered HandlerI instances in order |
CChannelController | Channel controller |
CChannelFilter | Channel filter |
CClaspOp | Connect ties between buttons |
CClosestGroundContactSystem | Toy/Test Ground Collision System – M*N: Ground and Collision Points |
CClumpCLOp | OpenCL operator to pull output curves towards core curves |
CClumpOp | Pull input curves towards guide curves |
CCollect | Collect knowledge from controlled particles |
CColorShade | Simple test shader to set color |
CCommunicate | Manipulate connections between radios |
CConcatenate | Concatenate strings |
CConfig | Convienience base class for specification and use of path accessors |
CConfigI | ConfigI Interface See Config (implementation) for the interesting details |
CConfiguredApplication | Mix of ApplicationI and ConfigI |
CConjugateGradient | Solve Ax=b for x |
CConjugateGradient2 | Solve Ax=b for x |
CConnectedCatalog | StateCatalog with connected mirroring |
CConnectionI | Simple Network Connection |
CConnectOp | Operator to connect points by UV values |
CConsoleKeys | WindowEvent handler that watches the console for key presses |
CConsoleViewer | Text-based viewer |
CConstruct | Operate building abilities |
CContextODE | Encapsulate start/shutdown of ODE |
CContextOSG | Encapsulate start/shutdown of OSG |
CContextSDL | Encapsulate start/shutdown of SDL |
CContractCLOp | OpenCL operator to receed points back along on their original curves |
CContractOp | Receed points back along on their original curves |
CControl | Control other particles |
CControlCenter | ControlCenter RecordView |
CControlled | Controlled RecordView |
CConvergentSpline | Evaluate a stack of basis splines to approach the control points |
CCoreRelay | Generic interface to the Relay template |
CCountedPool | Pool of Counted elements |
CCountedRelay | Counted wrapper for a CoreRelay |
CCrowd | Crowd RecordView |
CCurlCLOp | OpenCL operator to spiral output curves around input curves |
CCurlOp | Spiral output curves around input curves |
CCurvaceousOp | Operator to interactively alter curves |
CCurveCombineOp | Combine multiple native curves into a multi-curve surface |
CCurveCreateOp | Create a basic curve |
CCurveFollowOp | Operator to provide target along curve |
CCurveSampleOp | Operator to redistribute control vertices |
CCurveSeparateOp | Separate a multi-curve surface into multiple native curves |
CCylinder | Cylinder RecordView |
CDebugController | Controller that provides some debug logging functions |
CDeleteOp | Remove element from a Surface by group |
CDenseVector | Dense vector - size fixed at construction or reset |
CDensityField | Interprets scalar field values as density |
CDensitySink | Removes 'value' from a field at a rate dependent on local density |
CDetonate | Create explosions |
CDevRecordView | Development version of a Record View |
CDirector | Manipulate ControlCenter Behaviors |
CDirectorI | Tells others how to behave |
CDiscard | Delete entries with discard bit set |
CDisk | Disk RecordView |
CDispatchI | General call mechanism to enable exposure to scripting without requiring any binding work |
CDodgeOp | Operator to move curves away from a collider |
CDominate | Propagate control connections |
CDrag | Contribute viscous drag |
CDrawableI | Visualizable object using a DrawI |
CDrawAtoms | Draw atoms/particles |
CDrawAttributeLabels | Draw names |
CDrawBufferI | GPU cache |
CDrawButtons | Draw buttons |
CDrawCached | Delayed rendering to another DrawI, presumably an immediate one |
CDrawCommon | Drawing functions not specific to the graphics language |
CDrawConsole | Text-based implementations for DrawI |
CDrawConstruct | Draw construction info |
CDrawHydra | Hydra-specific replacements for DrawI |
CDrawI | Generalized drawing of points, lines, text, and basic triangles |
CDrawMaya | Draw via Maya MUIDrawManager |
CDrawMode | Configuration for rendering such as line width and backface culling |
CDrawNull | Draw nothing for DrawI, elegantly |
CDrawOpenGL | OpenGL-specific implementations for DrawI |
CDrawPairs | Draw record pairs |
CDrawParticle | Draw each particle |
CDrawPlant | Draw all plants |
CDrawRadio | Draw each communication span |
CDrawRayTrace | Ray-tracing implementation for DrawI |
CDrawRod | Draw each connecting cylinder |
CDrawScalarField | Draw a scalar field |
CDrawScan | Draw scan shapes |
CDrawSelection | Draw a box indicating the selected region |
CDrawShape | Draw shapes conveniently |
CDrawTargeting | Draw targeting info |
CDrawTerrain | Draw the surface layers |
CDrawTestOp | Draw a Sample of Points and Lines |
CDrawThreaded | Off-threaded rendering |
CDrawThrust | Draw propellant expulsion |
CDrawView | Helper class for draw operators (handlers) |
CDrivelineISystem | Driveline System |
CDroneControl | Convert controller inputs in aircraft manipulations |
CDroneDynamics | Apply aircraft environment and manipulations into motion |
CDroneInput | Convert controller events into flight control inputs |
CDroneMission | Plan and execute a drone flight |
CEnetCatalog | ConnectedCatalog over Enet |
CEvaluatorI | Functional Mini Language evaluator |
CEventContextI | Interface for processing queued windowing events |
CEventMap | Maps WindowEvent signals to Layouts |
CEventMapI | Interface for binding a WindowEvent to an event mapped Layout |
CExcarnateOp | Operator to expand surfaces |
CExecutor | Executor RecordView |
CExplicitInertial | Euler time integration |
CExplosion | Explosion RecordView |
CExportOp | Save a surface in an arbitrary format |
CExtractOp | Save a surface in an arbitrary format |
CFactionFilter | Test a Record for appropriate Faction |
CFilterI | A test on a Record |
CFlatnessCLOp | OpenCL operator to lay curves down towards a direction |
CFlatnessOp | Lay curves down towards a direction, such as a skin tangent |
CFlatten | Constrain particles in cartesian space by adjusting positions |
CFlatTree | Triangular storage using a simple array |
CFlightMissionI | Plan and execute a flight |
CFollicleOp | Operator to edit surface locations |
CFontFreeTypeGL | OpenGL-specific implementations for FontI |
CFontHoudini | Houdini-direct implementations for FontI |
CFontI | General interface to a window |
CFontMaya | Maya-specific implementations for FontI |
CFontOpenGL | OpenGL-specific implementations for FontI |
CForest | Forest RecordView |
CFork | Fork a signal |
CForkI | The purpose of ForkI is to fire off a signal when itself is signaled |
CFormDrag | Simple form drag |
CFoundry | Foundry RecordView |
CFrequencyResponseSystem | Sweep through a range multiple times |
CFullVMR | Vector Map Rows (vector of row maps) |
CFunctionI | Interface to add functions to an Evaluator |
CFuseOp | Combine proximal points |
CFusionOp | Operator to cleanly rebuild intersections between surfaces |
CGang | Group of Worker threads |
CGeodesic | Calculate surface distance between points |
CGetRealFromRecord | FunctionI to access real value attributes in src/data |
CGodotDraw | Draw to Godot ArrayMesh |
CGodotNode | Generic Godot Node |
CGraphDot | Converter from DAGNode to dot format |
CGravity | Contribute uniform gravity |
CGreyShader | A simple greyscale scalar field shader |
CGridScalarField | A ScalarFieldI implementation using a Continuum (grid of points) |
CGridWrapOp | Operator to move an attachable surface using a driving surface |
CGroundCollisionSystem | MOA Toy/Test Ground Collision System – M*N: Ground and Tires |
CGroundI | Interface to attach a SurfaceI |
CGroupDeleteOp | Remove group from a Surface |
CGroupOp | Manipulate point and primitive groups |
CGroupPromoteOp | Project group elements to another rate |
CGuidePostI | Make Connections through Beacon |
CGuidePostNetHost | Facilitate NetHost Connections through Beacon |
CHabitat | A place to make a home |
CHammerOp | Operator to alter regions of a surface |
CHandlerI | Interface to handle signals from an SignalerI |
CHingeOp | Operator to rotate a surface out of another |
CHobbleOp | Operator to restrain surfaces from walking away |
CHoudiniBrush | Houdini Model State node |
CHoudiniContext | Shared FE context for Houdini plugins |
CHoudiniDraw | Draw into Houdini GU_Detail (gdp) |
CHoudiniPrimBase | Houdini GEO_Primitive with unneccesary pure virtuals filled in |
CHoudiniPrimComponent | Houdini primitive for generic Component |
CHoudiniRamp | Ramp in Houdini |
CHoudiniRenderComponent | Houdini render handler for general Component |
CHoudiniSOP | Houdini SOP node |
CIdleSpinOp | Operator to keep spinning the input even without provocation |
CImageCommon | General functionality for image support |
CImageI | Image and texture handling |
CImageIL | Image handling using OpenIL aka DevIL |
CImageOIIO | Image handling using OpenImageIO |
CImageRaw | Image handling using raw buffers |
CImageSDL | Image handling using SDL |
CImageTiff | Image handling using TIFF |
CImguiHandler | Dear Imgui draw and event handler |
CImguiHandlerCatalog | Imgui Handler for generic Catalog |
CImguiHandlerRecord | Imgui Handler for generic RecordGroup |
CImportOp | Load a surface from an arbitrary file |
CInfluenceOp | Aggregate point influences |
CInspectController | Viewpoint controller for detailed inspection of a single object |
CIntersectPointI | Return closest intersecting record |
CIntersectRayI | Return closest intersecting record |
CIntersectRectI | If rg_output is valid, populate with all intersecting records |
CInvKineCCD | Inverse Kinematic by Cyclic Coordinate Descent |
CJobQueue | Queue of tasks |
CJointCombineOp | Combine multiple native joints a single multi-joint surface |
CJointSeparateOp | Separate a multi-joint surface into multiple native joint |
CJoyI | Joystick event generator |
CJoySDL | WindowEvent handler that watches for a poll event and then feeds back any accumulated joystick events |
CJsonValue | Json::Value wrapped for sp<> |
CJunkOp | Generate bad data |
CKatanaContext | Shared FE context for Katana plugins |
CKatanaGeo | General Katana Geolib Operator |
CKeyI | Keyboard event generator |
CKinkCLOp | OpenCL operator to wander output curves around input curves |
CKinkOp | Displace points on curves using a Perlin field |
CLeafLevel | LeafLevel RecordView |
CLengthCorrectOp | Handler to resize curve segments to match an original |
CLimberOp | Combine disjoint curves into a single hierarchy |
CLinearTire | Linear Tire Model |
CListenerAL | Listener using OpenAL |
CListenerI | Sound receiver |
CLogHandler | Print signal layout name |
CLogWindowHandler | WindowEvent handler that just prints to the feLog |
CLuaBehavior | Load a Lua script and run it when signaled |
CLuaBind | Use LuaExec instead? |
CLuaComponentObject | Component to Lua binding object |
CLuaExec | Lua execution component |
CLuaHandler | Lua execution component |
CLuaI | Lua execution interface |
CLuaIterate | Lua execution component |
CManifestReaderYaml | Load manifest from yaml file |
CManipulatorCommon | Partial Generic ManipulatorI Implemention |
CManipulatorI | Interactive collection of grips |
CMapOp | Load a texture map into an attribute |
CMapTree | Map of named subtrees |
CMatchSizeOp | Transform the first input to the location and size of the second |
CMaterial | Material RecordView |
CMatrixBezier | Solve B = A^^power, where A is a matrix |
CMatrixPower | Solve B = A^^power, where A is a matrix |
CMatrixSqrt | Solve A=B*B for B, given A |
CMatter | Matter RecordView |
CMayaBrush | Maya Tool |
CMayaContext | Shared FE context for Maya plugins |
CMayaDraw | Draw into Maya MFnMesh |
CMayaGraph | Maya DAG Navigation |
CMayaNode | Maya node |
CMayaRamp | Ramp in Maya |
CMergeOp | Append surfaces to the first |
CMeshSeparateOp | Separate a multi-part mesh into multiple separate meshes |
CMessageI | Message Sender/Receiver |
CMessageReliableUDP | Message Sender/Receiver multi-packet reliable over UDP |
CMessageReliableUDPI | Message Sender/Receiver multi-packet reliable over UDP |
CMessageSignaler | Convert signals to network messages |
CMessageUDP | Message Sender/Receiver over UDP |
CMetaBrush | Common functionality of meta brushes for Houdini, Maya, etc |
CMetaGraph | Common graph navigation for Houdini, Maya, etc |
CMetaPlugin | Common functionality of meta plugins for Houdini, Maya, etc |
CMetaRamp | Common ramp interface for Houdini, Maya, etc |
CMimicOp | Operator that draws input into the brush |
CMirrorOp | Copy points across an axis |
►CMOAViewer | MOA compatible Viewer |
CViewerTask | Worker object for the internal viewer worker |
CModifier | Stream particles through an operation |
CMortal | Mortal RecordView |
CMountSystem | Tire to Rig Connection |
CMultiModOp | Operator to alter regions of a surface |
CMultiSweepSystem | Sweep through a range multiple times |
CNativeEventContext | Implementation of an event loop using the raw native system |
CNativeKeyboard | WindowEvent handler that watches for a poll event and then feeds back any accumulated keyboard events |
CNativeWindow | Implementation of a window using the raw native system |
CNetDispatch | DispatchI for NetHost |
CNetHost | Point of Entry for Net Development |
CNetworkCatalog | ConnectedCatalog with networked signal mirroring |
CNetworkOp | Communicate a mesh as a RecordGroup |
CNewtonEuler | Convert force to motion |
CNexusOp | Operator to adjust operator connections |
CNoise | Perlin Noise |
CNoiseOp | Apply Perlin noise to points in space |
CNoiseShade | Simple test shader to add noise |
CNoRelay | Default for BASE Relay template argument |
CNullOp | Pass input to output |
CNullViewer | Non-rendering viewer |
CObjectViewer | Viewer designed to inspect a single object |
CObservation | Observation RecordView |
COcTree | Triangular storage using divisions by eight sections |
COffsetOp | Operator to transfer displacements on one surface to another |
COpenCLContext | Shared FE context for OpenCL usage |
COpenCLOp | Test OpenCL |
COpenSubdivOp | Apply subdivision using OpenSubdiv |
COperateCommon | Common Operator/Manipulator methods |
COperator | Operator RecordView |
COperatorContext | Shared FE context for Operator plugins |
COperatorGraphI | General graph navigation |
COperatorPlugin | Plugin back reference for OperatorSurfaceI |
COperatorState | Operator base class to save and reload state |
COperatorSurfaceCommon | Partial Generic SurfaceI Implemention |
COperatorSurfaceI | General Surface Manipulation |
COperatorThreaded | Handler to move curves away from a collider |
COrbiterSystem | Test-only |
COrchestrator | Basic OrchestratorI implementation |
COrchestratorI | Orchestrate signalling of SystemI components |
COriginViewerSystem | Displays world origin |
COrthoViewer | Orthographic viewer |
CPaletteI | Palette |
CParserI | Interface to handle a sequence (vector) of tokens/words/strings |
CParticle | Particle RecordView |
CParticleMountSystem | Tire to Particles Connection |
CPartitionI | Matchable list of strings |
CPartitionOp | Divide primitives into connected patches |
CPeriodic | Periodic RecordView |
CPerspectiveViewer | Perspective viewer |
CPickPoint | Interactive specification of a 3D point |
CPipelineI | Application framework interface |
CPlant | Plant RecordView |
►CPlantModelI | Vegetation subsystem |
CLeaf | Organ of photosynthesis and transpiration |
CStick | Stem Segment in a PlantModelI |
CPlantSeed | PlantSeed RecordView |
CPlantSketch | Plant rendering cache |
CPointConnect | Delaunay Triangulation |
CPointCurveNearest | Find point nearest to a curve with radius |
CPointCylinderNearest | Find point nearest to a cylindrical solid |
CPointDiskNearest | Find point nearest to a circular solid |
CPointI | A location in 3D space |
CPointPlaneNearest | Find point nearest to a circular solid |
CPointSphereNearest | Find nearest point on sphere |
CPointTriangleNearest | Find point nearest to a triangle |
CPoisonOp | Mark undesirable points |
CPortalOp | Operator send and receive surfaces |
CPostGuideCLOp | OpenCL operator to tweak output curves based on repositioned guides |
CPreviewOp | Operator to merely draw imported surface |
CProvot | Apply fixed rod lengths |
CProxBrute | Currently this brute force method is incomplete since it does not honor wrap around boundaries |
CProxI | Proximity detection interface |
CProximity | Handler to detect collisions between bounded particles |
CProxMultiGrid | Proximity detection |
CProxSweep | Proximity detection |
CProxy | Proxy RecordView |
CPuppetOp | Manipulate joint transforms |
CPushSequencer | Mechanism to fire scheduled signals |
CQuadTree | Triangular storage using divisions by quarters |
CQuickViewer | Self-configuring delegate for ObjectViewer |
CQuickViewerI | Self-configuring Viewer |
CQuiltOp | Operator to add a back side surfaces |
CRadio | Radio RecordView |
CRampI | A function giving a Real result for a Real input |
CRaster | Raster RecordView |
CRasterOp | Evaluate some aspect of a number of surfaces |
CRayCurveIntersect | Find intersection between ray and curve with radius |
CRayCylinderIntersect | Find intersection between ray and cylinder |
CRayDiskIntersect | Find intersection between ray and circular solid |
CRayPlaneIntersect | Find intersection between ray and plane |
CRaySphereIntersect | Find intersection between ray and sphere |
CRayTriangleIntersect | Find intersection between ray and triangle |
CReactorI | Enable specification of named 'reactions', presumably to anticipated conditions |
CRecordable | Recordable RecordView |
CRecordableI | Generic binding to a serializable state |
CRecordArrayView | RecordView Iteration over a RecordArray |
CRecorderI | Storage of incremental state to a resource, like a file |
CRecordPlayer | Reloads Record's op:input for every handle call that time is stopped |
CRecordRecorder | Saves Record's op:input for every handle call that time advances |
►CRecordView | Bindable collection of accessor Functors |
CFunctor | Bound accessor in a RecordView |
CRecordHolder | Untyped Functor base |
CRelay | Collection of accessors for a Record |
CRigParticleMountSystem | Tire to Rig Connection |
CRigSystem | Tire Test Rig System |
CRod | Rod RecordView |
CRotationalMechanicalSystem | Rotational Mechanical Solver |
CRulerOp | Draw panels of lines behind an object |
CScalarFieldI | Scalar Field |
CScalarShaderI | Shader for DrawScalarField |
CScan | Operate scanning abilities |
CScanner | Scanner RecordView |
CScatterOp | Create points on the input surface |
CSceneNodeI | Scene graph node |
CSceneNodeOSG | Object hierarchy using OpenSceneGraph |
CScopeDebug | GUI for debug displaying a Scope |
CSelectController | Basic screen space selection controller |
CSelectorI | Determine the Records that match a critera, such as shapes |
CSemiImplicit | Semi Implicit time integration |
CSemiImplicit1D | Semi Implicit time integration |
CSemiImplicit2D | Semi Implicit time integration |
CSemiImplicitDriveline | Driveline Solver |
CSemiImplicitInertial | Semi Implicit time integration |
CSequencerI | Timed record broadcaster |
CShaderCommon | Common Shader methods |
CShaderI | General Surface Evaluation |
CShaderVariablesArnold | Shader Variable Access |
CShaderVariablesI | Surface Variable Access |
CShapeSelector | Intersect a shape or shapes with a RecordGroup |
CSharedMemCatalog | ConnectedCatalog over ZeroMQ |
CSharpenOp | Sharpen based on neighbors |
CShoot | Operate launching abilities |
CSignalerI | Selective record broadcaster |
CSignalerViewerI | Simple viewer interface |
CSignalMessenger | Convert signals to network messages |
CSignalReceiver | Receives signals over a given Socket |
CSignalSender | Sends signals over a given Socket |
CSignature | @ brief Defines a call argument signature for DispatchI |
CSimPlant | Move all plants |
CSimpleDiffusion | Very simple diffusion handler |
CSimpleGrid | Draw a 20x20 grid |
CSimulationPipeline | Simulation Pipeline |
CSing | Operate audible abilities |
CSketchI | Generic drawable object |
CSmoothOp | Smooth based on neighbors |
CSockAddr | BSD socket address wrapper |
CSocket | A socket wrapper |
CSocketHandler | Socket handler |
CSoftSystem | Soft System |
CSpannedRange | SpannedRange of jobs |
CSparseArray | Row-Compressed Sparse Container |
CSparseMatrix | Dense array of sparse rows |
CSpatialTreeBase | Triangular storage using a simple array |
CSpatialTreeI | Triangular storage interface |
CSphere | Sphere RecordView |
CSpineFitOp | Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve |
CSplat | N dimensional state buffer |
CSplatterI | Interface to attach a 2D splat |
CSplatterSystem | A System to capture data via splatting |
CSpline | A stateless namespace for assorted spline functions |
CSpool | Thread safe data queue |
CSpreadsheetOp | Operator to show a table of attributes |
CStashOp | Store a copy of the input in the master catalog |
CStateBindI | Specify a StateCatalog and key |
CStepper | Time Stepping System |
CStickLevel | StickLevel RecordView |
CStickTire | Linear Tire Model |
CStrata | Strata RecordView |
CStrataI | Layered environment delimited by surfaces |
CStratum | Stratum RecordView |
CStratumBase | Common Class for Elevation |
CStratumBowl | Elevation of a pit |
CStratumDrawI | Draw a terrain |
CStratumDrawPoly | Draw a terrain using a faceted surface |
CStratumDrawWire | Draw a terrain using wireframe |
CStratumI | Elevation at location |
CStratumPlane | Flat Elevation |
CStratumRamp | Elevation of a slant |
CStratumRaster | Elevation of a height map |
CStratumWave | Elevation using waves |
CStringAccessor | Access attributes as string lists, one string per sub item |
CStringEntryController | String entry controller |
CStringFilterI | String check or modification |
CStringFilterJson | JSON String Check |
CSubdivideOp | Increase resolution of a mesh |
CSurfaceAccessibleAbc | Alembic Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleBase | Common Functionality for Accessible Surface |
CSurfaceAccessibleCatalog | Catalog Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleDrone | Drone Surface Loader |
CSurfaceAccessibleFbx | FBX Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleGeo | JSON Geo Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleGodotMesh | Godot ArrayMesh Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleHapi | Houdini Engine Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleHoudini | Houdini Surface Binding |
►CSurfaceAccessibleI | Surface Element Access and Alteration |
CFilterI | View to a reduced set in indices |
CSurfaceAccessibleJoint | Joint Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleLua | Lua Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleMaya | Maya Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleObj | Obj Surface IO |
CSurfaceAccessibleOpenCL | OpenCL Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleOsd | OpenSubdiv Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessiblePtex | Ptex Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleRecord | Record Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleUsd | USD Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleVDB | VDB Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleXGen | XGen Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleXml | XML Surface Binding |
CSurfaceAccessibleXyz | Point Cloud Surface IO, maybe with labels (for molecules) |
CSurfaceAccessorBase | Common Functionality for Accessor Surface |
CSurfaceAccessorCached | Accessor with Deferred Writes |
CSurfaceAccessorCatalog | Accessor backed with a Catalog |
CSurfaceAccessorDrone | Accessor for Drone meshes |
CSurfaceAccessorGeo | Common Functionality for Accessor Surface |
CSurfaceAccessorHapi | Houdini Engine Surface Editing Implementation |
CSurfaceAccessorHoudini | Houdini Surface Editing Implementation |
CSurfaceAccessorI | Surface Element Handle |
CSurfaceAccessorMaya | Maya Surface Editing Implementation |
CSurfaceAccessorOpenCL | Accessor backed with a OpenCL |
CSurfaceAccessorOsd | Accessor for OpenSubdiv |
CSurfaceAccessorPtex | Accessor for Ptex Texels |
CSurfaceAccessorRecord | Accessor for a Record-based Surface |
CSurfaceAccessorUsd | USD Surface Editing Implementation |
CSurfaceAccessorUsdGraph | USD Graph Access |
CSurfaceAccessorVDB | Accessor for VDB Voxels |
CSurfaceAttrConformOp | Pick a single attribute value for each fragment |
CSurfaceAttrCopyOp | Copy attributes from another Surface |
CSurfaceAttrCreateOp | Add an attribute to a Surface |
CSurfaceAttrDeleteOp | Remove attributes from a Surface |
CSurfaceAttrLabOp | Manipulate and view an attribute on a Surface |
CSurfaceAttrPromoteOp | Project attributes to another rate |
CSurfaceAttrRampOp | Operator to populate an attribute with ramped values |
CSurfaceBase | Trivial Point Origin Surface |
CSurfaceBindOp | Operator to correlate a attachable surface with a driving surface |
CSurfaceCopyOp | Copy first input surface onto points of second surface |
CSurfaceCurves | Segmented Path Surface |
CSurfaceCurvesAccessible | Curve Surface from generic SurfaceAccessibleI |
CSurfaceCurvesHoudini | Houdini Curve Primitives |
CSurfaceCurvesMaya | Maya Curve Primitives |
CSurfaceCurvesOpenCL | OpenCL augmentation of SurfaceCurvesAccessible |
CSurfaceCylinder | Cylindrical Surface |
CSurfaceDeltaOp | Calculate Difference of Two Surfaces |
CSurfaceDisk | Flat Circular Surface |
CSurfaceDrawOp | Draw input surface to brush |
CSurfaceDrone | Drawable suface and canera view of drone |
CSurfaceFile | SurfaceFile RecordView |
CSurfaceGroundTireSystem | AsTireLiveCollision to SurfaceI collision system |
►CSurfaceI | Spatial boundary |
CGaugeI | Calculate surface distances |
CImpactI | Results of a surface intersection |
CSurfaceMetricOp | Evaluate some aspect of a number of surfaces |
CSurfaceModel | SurfaceModel RecordView |
CSurfaceMRP | Matrix Rational Power Surface |
CSurfaceNormalOp | Add or replace normals |
CSurfaceOBJ | Surface in raw OBJ format |
CSurfaceOSG | Surface in OpenSceneGraph |
CSurfacePlane | Planar Surface |
CSurfacePoint | SurfacePoint RecordView |
CSurfacePointsHoudini | Houdini Point Cloud |
CSurfacePrimitive | SurfacePrimitive RecordView |
CSurfaceProxyOp | Create a simplified representation |
CSurfaceSampleOp | Read Attributes from a Surface |
►CSurfaceSearchable | Tree-searchable Surface |
CPartitionSearchable | Match partition strings against patterns |
CSurfaceSphere | Spherical Surface |
CSurfaceSTL | Surface in raw STL format |
CSurfaceStrata | Surface Layer |
CSurfaceSummaryOp | Describe a Surface |
CSurfaceTransform | SurfaceTransform RecordView |
CSurfaceTriangles | Discrete Triangle Surface |
CSurfaceTrianglesAccessible | Triangle Surface from generic SurfaceAccessibleI |
CSurfaceTrianglesHapi | Houdini Engine Trianglar Surface |
CSurfaceTrianglesHoudini | Houdini Trianglar Surface |
CSurfaceTrianglesMaya | Maya Trianglar Surface |
CSurfaceTrianglesOpenCL | OpenCL augmentation of SurfaceTrianglesAccessible |
CSurfaceVDB | VDB Surface |
CSurfaceViewerOp | Operator to look at surfaces in an independent window |
CSurfaceWalkOp | Create a curve that tries to follows a straight line across edges |
CSurfaceWaveOp | Apply Wave Effect to a Surface |
CSurfaceWrapCLOp | OpenCL operator to wrap points to input curves |
CSurfaceWrapOp | Operator to update an attached surface to follow a driving surface |
CSurveillance | Surveillance RecordView |
CSwayCLOp | OpenCL operator to oscillate curves, bending from the root |
CSwim | Contribute basic fluid forces, like buoyancy |
CSystemI | System Interface for MOA |
CTargeter | Targeter RecordView |
Ctbbgroup_functor_task | |
CTerminal | Respond to a string with a string |
CTerminalDispatch | Abstract control of a TerminalNode |
CTerminalDraw | Draw to terminal buffer |
CTerminalNode | Terminal control of an OperatorSurfaceI |
CTerrain | Contribute impact response from terrain |
CTheater | Theater RecordView |
CThreadedViewerI | Viewer that runs on it's own thread |
CThreadSignaler | SignalerI that calls registered HandlerI instances in parallel |
CThrust | Operate thrusting abilities |
CThruster | Thruster RecordView |
CTick | Operate periodic abilities |
CTireContactSystem | MOA apply contact to tire (incl/pitch/radius) |
CTireI | The most simple least common denominator, single contact, patch oriented Many (most?) "tire models" are this, or use this |
CTireISystem | TireI Model System |
CTransformCLOp | OpenCL operator to transform points |
CTransformManipulator | Manipulator to adjust a SpatialTransform |
CTransformOp | Apply a transformation to an entire surface |
►CTree | Vegetation model for a Dynamic Tree |
CLeaf | Leaf on a Tree |
CStick | Segment of a branch |
CTreeLevel | TreeLevel RecordView |
CTreeOp | Handler to Sim and Draw a Tree |
CTreeSeed | TreeSeed RecordView |
CTrianglePN | Evaluate barycenter on triangle using Curved PN Triangles |
CTrianglePower | Evaluate barycenter on triangle of surface using MatrixPower |
CTubeOp | Generate tubes from curves |
CTwistBindOp | Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve |
CTwistWrapOp | Handler to wrap and twist geometry to follow bends in a curve |
CUnveilOp | Extract FE surface primitive into native Houdini data |
CUpperTriangularVMR | Upper Triangular Vector Map Rows (vector of row maps) |
CValidateOp | Check for invalid points |
CValueManipulator | Manipulator to adjust a list of values |
CVectorFieldI | Vector Field |
CVeilOp | Encode native Houdini data into an FE surface primitive |
CVideoRecorder | Saves a snapshot for every handle call that time advances |
CView | Base class for generated views |
CViewCommon | General-implementation methods for ViewI |
CViewerI | Simple viewer interface |
CViewerSystem | Base class for Viewer Systems |
CViewI | A rendering region |
CViewOpenGL | OpenGL-specific implementations for ViewI |
CVoiceAL | Voice using OpenAL |
CVoiceI | Sound producer |
CWavyOp | Bend and twist output curves from input curves |
CWayPathOp | Operator to connect triangle locators |
CWayPointOp | Operator to append triangle locators |
CWayRestraintOp | Operator to restrict distance between locators |
CWindowController | Window controller |
CWindowEvent | Generalized windowing event |
CWindowI | General interface to a window |
CWindowPipeline | Window Pipeline |
CWorkForceI | Execute a Range |
CWorkGang | Execute a SpannedRange with a Gang |
CWorkI | Execute a Range |
CWorkOmp | Execute a SpannedRange with OpenMP |
CWorkTbb | Execute a SpannedRange with TBB |
CWorldPipeline | This is a simulation pipeline, providing some useful assumptions |
CWorldWindow | World window |
CXRayOp | Operator to look inside primitives |
CYamlNode | YAML::Node wrapped for sp<> |
CZeroCatalog | ConnectedCatalog over ZeroMQ |
CZeroConnection | Simple ZeroMQ Connection |
CAccessor | The main data access class for the data system |
CAccessorSet | Set of accessors |
CAccessorSets | |
CAnnotate | |
CAppDebugWindow | |
CArena | |
CArray | Wrapper for std::vector |
CAsBox | |
CAsCatalog | |
CAsComponent | Just a Component |
CAsGeneric | Generic reusable attributes |
CAsOrbiter | |
CAsSequenceSignal | Sequencer signal |
CAssign | |
CAsSystem | System reserved attributes |
CAsViewport | |
CAttachOp | |
CAttract | |
CAttribute | An attribute within a Layout (record type) |
CAttributeController | |
CBallCollideCLOp | |
CBarycenter | Barycentric coordinates for a triangle |
CBaseAccessor | Type inspecific Accessor |
CBaseType | A class to associate functionality with run time types |
CBehavior | |
CBenderOp | |
CBendOp | |
CBindEditOp | |
CBladeOp | |
CBlendShapeOp | |
CBlendTire | |
CBloatOp | |
CBox | N-dimensional axis-aligned bounding-box |
CBroydenInertial | Broyden time integration |
CBrushTestOp | |
CBrushTire | |
CBruteCollide | |
CBruteScan | Analyze text on the fly |
CButtonController | |
CCacheCLOp | |
CCacheOp | |
CCastable | Base participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism |
CCastableAs | Per-class participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism |
CCatalog | Dictionary of Arbitrary Instances |
CCatalogBuffer | Access fe::Array<> properties without invoking std::vector<> |
CChainOp | |
CChainOpController | |
CChainSignaler | |
CChannelBinder | |
CChannelController | |
CChannelFilter | |
CClaspOp | |
CClassSafe | Class level locking for thread safety |
CClassSafeShared | Class level locking for thread safety |
CClientPipeline | |
CCloner | Deep cloning tool |
CClosestGroundContactSystem | |
CClumpCLOp | |
CClumpOp | |
CCollect | |
CColor | Special vector for color (RGBA) |
CCommunicate | |
►CComponent | Base for all interfacable components |
CHub | Reference hub used by Component::adjoin() |
CConfiguredApplication | |
CConnectOp | |
CConsoleKeys | |
CConstruct | |
CContractOp | |
CControl | |
CControlCenter | |
CCounted | Heap-based support for classes participating in fe::ptr <> |
Ccp | Copy-On-Write shared pointer |
CCreatePlanetHandler | |
CCrowd | |
CCurlOp | |
CCurvaceousOp | |
CCurveCombineOp | |
CCurveCreateOp | |
CCurveFollowOp | |
CCurveSampleOp | |
CCurveSeparateOp | |
CCylinder | |
CDAGNode | Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph |
Cdata | |
CDataIOController | |
CdatatoolAS | |
CdatauiAS | |
CdatauiDL | |
CDebugController | |
CDebugWindow | |
CDeleteOp | |
CDensitySink | |
CDensitySource | |
CDepend | Attribute dependency information |
CDetonate | |
CDiscard | |
CDisk | |
CDL_Loader | Raw access to a dynamic library |
CDodgeOp | |
CDominate | |
CDrawAtoms | |
CDrawAttributeLabels | |
CDrawButtons | |
CDrawChainOps | |
CDrawConstruct | |
CDrawNodes | Draw nodes |
CDrawPairs | |
CDrawParticle | |
CDrawPick | Draw forward pick |
CDrawPlant | |
CDrawPoints | |
CDrawRadio | |
CDrawRayTrace | |
CDrawRod | |
CDrawRouter | |
CDrawScalarField | |
CDrawScan | |
CDrawSelection | |
CDrawStringEntry | |
CDrawTargeting | |
CDrawTerrain | |
CDrawTestOp | |
CDrawThrust | |
CDrawTransform | |
CDrawVectorField | Draw a vector field |
CDrawView | |
CdrivelineAS | |
CDrivelineISystem | |
CDroneControl | |
CDroneDynamics | |
CDroneInput | |
CDroneMission | |
CDualString | Automatically reference-counted string container |
CEuler | Special vector for concatenated Euler angles |
CEvaluateSystem | |
CEventMap | |
CExcarnateOp | |
CException | Generic exception carrying a fe::String payload |
CExistController | |
CExplicitInertial | |
CExplosion | |
CExportOp | |
CExtractOp | |
CFlatnessOp | |
CFlatten | |
CFloraHandler | |
CFollicleOp | |
CForest | |
CFork | |
CFormDrag | |
CFunction | |
CFuseOp | |
CFusionOp | |
CGenerateNav | Generate a navigation field, which is a vector field of directions to get to a target destination point |
CGotoMethod | |
CGotoOrigin | Dummy test object |
CGravity | |
CGridWrapOp | |
CGroundCollisionSystem | |
CGroupDeleteOp | |
CGroupExtract | |
CGroupOp | |
CGroupPromoteOp | |
CHammerOp | |
CHandled | Base class providing an fe::Handle to the derived class |
CHingeOp | |
CHobbleOp | |
Chp | Safe handle for shared pointer |
CIdleSpinOp | |
CImguiHandler | |
CImportOp | |
CInfluenceOp | |
CInitialize | Per-class participation in the Initialized <> mechanism |
CInitialized | Base class providing collective initialization (post-constructor) |
CInsert | |
CInspectController | |
CInstance | Smart pointer used with types represented by BaseType |
CInstanceMap | Group of named instances |
CIntersectors | |
CJitter | Randomly displace a particle |
CJointCombineOp | |
CJointSeparateOp | |
CJoySDL | |
CJunkOp | |
CKinkCLOp | |
CKinkOp | |
CLayoutAV | Record "type" definition |
CLayoutSB | Record "type" definition |
CLengthCorrectOp | |
►CLibrary | Interface into a dynamic library to access its factories |
CBaseFactory | Type-nonspecific base class for factories |
CFactory | Type-specific factory template |
CLimberOp | |
CLinearReaction | |
CLinearTire | |
►CList | Fully Bidirectional Doubly-Linked List |
CIterator | Type-specific Iterator for an fe::List <> |
►CListCore | Type-nonspecific Base Functionality of fe::List <> |
CContext | A view state into an fe::List <> |
CLocatorFromPointsSystem | |
CLog | Base class for logging system Log objects |
CLogger | C++ portion of logging interface implementation |
CLogHandler | |
CLogWindowHandler | |
CLuaBehavior | |
CLuaBind | |
CLuaExec | |
CLuaHandler | |
CLuaIterate | |
CManipulator | |
CManipulatorCommon | |
CMapOp | |
CMaster | Central access point for key pseudo-global objects |
CMatchSizeOp | |
CMaterial | |
CMatrix | General template for fixed size numeric matrices |
CMatrix< 3, 4, T > | Matrix for 3D transformations |
CmechanicsAS | |
CMemory | Basic memory management |
CMergeOp | |
CMeshSeparateOp | |
CMetabolism | |
CMimicOp | |
CMirrorOp | |
CMitosis | |
CmoaAS | |
CMortal | |
CMountSystem | |
CMultiGroupReader | |
CMultiGroupWriter | |
CMultiModOp | |
CNativeEventContext | |
CNativeKeyboard | |
CNativeWindow | |
CNetworkCatalog | |
CNetworkOp | |
CNewtonEuler | |
CNexusOp | |
CNoiseOp | |
CNotSafe | No locking for thread safety |
CNotSafeShared | No locking for thread safety |
CNullOp | |
CNullViewer | |
CObjectSafe | Object level locking for thread safety |
CObjectSafeShared | Object level locking for thread safety |
CObjectViewer | |
CObservation | |
COffsetOp | |
COpaqueDrag | |
COpenCLOp | |
COpenSubdivOp | |
COperator | |
COperatorThreaded | |
COrchestrator | |
COrthonormalBasis | OrthonormalBasis for 3D transformations |
COrthoViewer | |
CPaneLocate | |
CParticle | |
CParticleMountSystem | |
CPartitionOp | |
CPerspectiveViewer | |
CPickPoint | |
CplanAS | |
CplanetAS | |
CPlanHandler | Processes plans |
CPlant | |
CPlantSeed | |
CPlayerPipeline | |
CPointViewerSystem | |
CPoison | Death pill for threads |
CPoisoned | An exception to be thrown when active Poison has been detected |
CPoisonOp | |
CPopulateI | Populate a layout with attributes |
CPortalOp | |
CPostGuideCLOp | |
CPotentialNav | |
CPreviewOp | |
►CProfiler | Group of tick-based precision profilers |
CProfile | Tick-based precision time meter |
CStage | Guard-style scope control for a Profiler |
CProjector | |
CProjectPoint | |
CProtectable | Base class providing protection counting for cp<> |
CProvot | |
CProxBrute | |
CProxHash | |
CProximity | |
CProxMultiGrid | |
CProxSweep | |
CPuppetOp | |
CPushSequencer | |
CQuaternion | Four-dimensional complex number |
CQuickViewer | |
CQuiltOp | |
CRadio | |
CRasterOp | |
CRecordable | |
CRecordArrayAV | Homogeneous collection of Records |
CRecordArraySB | Homogeneous collection of Records |
CRecordAV | Reference to an instance of a Layout |
CRecordCookbook | Instructions to set attributes of a Record |
CRecordFactoryI | Component to create and initialize a Record |
►CRecordGroup | A heterogenous collection of records |
Citerator | STL style iterator |
CRecordGroupDebug | |
CRecordOperation | An operation on a record |
CRecordPlayer | |
CRecordRecorder | |
CRecordSB | Reference to an instance of a Layout |
CRegionalDebug | |
CRegistry | Dynamic Library Manager |
CRigParticleMountSystem | |
CRod | |
CRootLocate | |
CRotationalMechanicalSystem | |
CRouteController | |
CRouteHandler | |
CRulerOp | |
CScan | |
CScatterOp | |
CScope | Layout namespace |
CScopeDebug | |
CSegmentStore | Memory manager for state blocks |
CSelectController | |
CSemiImplicit | |
CSemiImplicit1D | |
CSemiImplicit2D | |
CSemiImplicitDriveline | |
CSemiImplicitInertial | |
CshapeAS | |
CShapeSelector | |
CSharpenOp | |
CShoot | |
CSignalerViewerI | |
CSignalMessenger | |
CSignalReceiver | |
CSignalSender | |
CSimPlant | |
CSimpleDiffusion | |
CSimpleGrid | |
CSimpleNav | |
CSimulationPipeline | |
CSing | |
CSingleMaster | Point of Entry for Development |
CSmoothOp | |
CSocketHandler | |
CSoftSystem | |
CsolveAS | |
CSourceSink | |
Csp | Intrusive Smart Pointer |
CSphere | |
CSpineFitOp | |
CSplat | |
CSplatLineSystem | |
CSpreadsheetOp | |
CStashOp | |
►CStateCatalog | Catalog with extensible mirroring |
CAtomic | A locking mechanism to get cohesive state |
CSnapshot | A fixed copy of state from a StateCatalog |
CStdAllocator | Replacement for std::allocator using the FE memory system |
CStepCostI | Calculate a quantity (cost) associated with a directional step in space |
CStepper | |
CStickLevel | |
CStickTire | |
CStoreI | Base class for state block memeory managers |
CStrata | |
CStratum | |
►CString | Automatically reference-counted string container |
CSort | Sort an Array of Strings |
CStringEntryController | |
CStringScanI | Text Analyzer |
CSubdivideOp | |
CSurfaceAttrConformOp | |
CSurfaceAttrCopyOp | |
CSurfaceAttrCreateOp | |
CSurfaceAttrDeleteOp | |
CSurfaceAttrLabOp | |
CSurfaceAttrPromoteOp | |
CSurfaceAttrRampOp | |
CSurfaceBindOp | |
CSurfaceCopyOp | |
CSurfaceDeltaOp | |
CSurfaceDrawOp | |
CSurfaceGroundSystem | |
CSurfaceMetricOp | |
CSurfaceNormalOp | |
CSurfacePoint | |
CSurfaceProxyOp | |
CSurfaceSampleOp | |
CSurfaceSummaryOp | |
CSurfaceViewerOp | |
CSurfaceWalkOp | |
CSurfaceWaveOp | |
CSurfaceWrapCLOp | |
CSurfaceWrapOp | |
CSurveillance | |
CSwayCLOp | |
CSwim | |
CSystem | System call wrappers |
CSystemTicker | High precision timer |
CTerrain | |
CTheater | |
CThrust | |
CTick | |
CtireAS | |
CTireContactSystem | |
CTireISystem | |
CTireRig | |
CTorsionSpring | |
CTracker | Watches the usage of reference counted objects |
CTransformManipulator | |
CTransformOp | |
CTreeLevel | |
CTreeOp | |
CTreeSeed | |
CTubeOp | |
CTwistBindOp | |
CTwistWrapOp | |
CType | A class to associate functionality with run time types |
CTypeInfo | C++ type_info wrapper |
CTypeMaster | Run time C++ type management |
CUnitRepulse | |
CUnitTest | Counts success and failures in a style similar to assertions |
CUnitThrust | Dummy test object |
CUnveilOp | |
CValidateOp | |
CValueManipulator | |
CVector | Dense vector - size fixed by template |
CVector< 4, T > | Partially specialized 4-component vector intended for spatial use |
CVector< FE_VDIM, F32 > | Fully specialized 3 or 4 component F32 vector using GNU SIMD |
CVeilOp | |
CVideoRecorder | |
CviewerAS | |
CWavyOp | |
CWayPathOp | |
CWayPointOp | |
CWayRestraintOp | |
CWeakRecordAV | Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout |
CWeakRecordSB | Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout |
CwindowAS | |
CWindowController | |
CWindowPipeline | |
CWorldPipeline | |
CWorldWindow | |
CxClient | |
CxDataPrimer | |
CxDataui | |
CxFloat | |
CxImage | |
CxRay | |
CxRayBox | |
CXRayOp | |
CxSansGroups | |
CxScope | |
CxServer | |
CxSurface | |
CxTerrain | |
CxTree | |
CxTriangle | |
CxTurtle | |
CxViewer | |
CxWeakRecord | |
CxWorld | |
►NJson | JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) |
CCharReader | Interface for reading JSON from a char array |
CCharReaderBuilder | Build a CharReader implementation |
CException | Base class for all exceptions we throw |
CFastWriter | Outputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly) |
CFeatures | Configuration passed to reader and writer |
CLogicError | Exceptions thrown by JSON_ASSERT/JSON_FAIL macros |
CPath | Experimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node |
CPathArgument | Experimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node |
►CReader | Unserialize a JSON document into a Value |
CStructuredError | An error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered |
CRuntimeError | Exceptions which the user cannot easily avoid |
CStaticString | Lightweight wrapper to tag static string |
►CStreamWriter | Usage: |
CFactory | A simple abstract factory |
CStreamWriterBuilder | Build a StreamWriter implementation |
CStyledStreamWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string |
CStyledWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way |
CValue | Represents a JSON value |
CValueConstIterator | Const iterator for object and array value |
CValueIterator | Iterator for object and array value |
CValueIteratorBase | Base class for Value iterators |
CWriter | Abstract class for writers |
►NJsonTest | Unit testing framework |
CPredicateContext | Context used to create the assertion callstack on failure |
►Npugi | |
Cxml_attribute_struct | A 'name=value' XML attribute structure |
Cxml_node_struct | An XML document tree node |
►NYAML | |
CAnchorDict | An object that stores and retrieves values correlating to anchor_t values |
CDeepRecursion | The DeepRecursion class An exception class which is thrown by DepthGuard |
CDepthGuard | The DepthGuard class DepthGuard takes a reference to an integer |
CParser | A parser turns a stream of bytes into one stream of "events" per YAML document in the input stream |
CScanner | A scanner transforms a stream of characters into a stream of tokens |
CFENode | Generic Godot Node |
CFinal | Base class that prevents further derivation |
Cfixed_char_buf | This class implements the minimal string interface and is intended to be used as a base class for xstring<>, which provides the full string interface |
CHandlerBase | The base class for HandlerFS to enable HandlerFS to be python derivable |
CHandlerFS | HandlerI Function Set |
CHydraDelegate | A simple delegate class for unit test driver |
CHydraDriver | A unit test driver that exercises the core engine |
CIFEOps | The public interface to this module |
CMemStream | Implementation of std::istream for raw byte buffer |
CMutexSmashingTask | Thread task that rapidly acquires a mutex lock |
CParserFS | Parser Function Set |
CPuppeteer | Skeleton Modifier |
CPyHandler | A proxy handler component for python derived handlers |
CReferenceSmashingTask | Thread task that rapidly increments and decrements the reference counter on Records |
CSequencerFS | SequencerI Function Set |
CSignalerFS | SignalerI Function Set |
CTaskThread | Task and Thread container |
CThreadSweepingTask | This thread task sweeps the number of MutexSmashingTask threads up and down |
Cvar_char_buf | This class implements the minimal string interface and is intended to be used as a base class for xstring<>, which provides the full string interface |