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fe Namespace Reference

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class  Accessor
 The main data access class for the data system. More...
class  AccessorSet
 Set of accessors. More...
class  AccessorSets
class  Annotate
class  AppDebugWindow
class  Arena
class  Array
 Wrapper for std::vector. More...
class  AsBox
class  AsCatalog
class  AsComponent
 just a Component More...
class  AsGeneric
 Generic reusable attributes. More...
class  AsOrbiter
class  AsSequenceSignal
 Sequencer signal. More...
class  Assign
class  AsSystem
 System reserved attributes. More...
class  AsViewport
class  AttachOp
class  Attract
class  Attribute
 An attribute within a Layout (record type) More...
class  AttributeController
class  BallCollideCLOp
class  Barycenter
 Barycentric coordinates for a triangle. More...
class  BaseAccessor
 Type inspecific Accessor. More...
class  BaseType
 A class to associate functionality with run time types. More...
class  Behavior
class  BenderOp
class  BendOp
class  BindEditOp
class  BladeOp
class  BlendShapeOp
class  BlendTire
class  BloatOp
class  Box
 N-dimensional axis-aligned bounding-box. More...
class  BroydenInertial
 Broyden time integration. More...
class  BrushTestOp
class  BrushTire
class  BruteCollide
class  BruteScan
 Analyze text on the fly. More...
class  ButtonController
class  CacheCLOp
class  CacheOp
class  Castable
 Base participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism. More...
class  CastableAs
 Per-class participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism. More...
class  Catalog
 Dictionary of Arbitrary Instances. More...
class  CatalogBuffer
 Access fe::Array<> properties without invoking std::vector<> More...
class  ChainOp
class  ChainOpController
class  ChainSignaler
class  ChannelBinder
class  ChannelController
class  ChannelFilter
class  ClaspOp
class  ClassSafe
 Class level locking for thread safety. More...
class  ClassSafeShared
 Class level locking for thread safety. More...
class  ClientPipeline
class  Cloner
 Deep cloning tool. More...
class  ClosestGroundContactSystem
class  ClumpCLOp
class  ClumpOp
class  Collect
class  Color
 Special vector for color (RGBA) More...
class  Communicate
class  Component
 Base for all interfacable components. More...
class  ConfiguredApplication
class  ConnectOp
class  ConsoleKeys
class  Construct
class  ContractOp
class  Control
class  ControlCenter
class  Counted
 Heap-based support for classes participating in fe::ptr <> More...
class  cp
 Copy-On-Write shared pointer. More...
class  CreatePlanetHandler
class  Crowd
class  CurlOp
class  CurvaceousOp
class  CurveCombineOp
class  CurveCreateOp
class  CurveFollowOp
class  CurveSampleOp
class  CurveSeparateOp
class  Cylinder
class  DAGNode
 Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph. More...
class  data
class  DataIOController
class  datatoolAS
class  datauiAS
class  datauiDL
class  DebugController
class  DebugWindow
class  DeleteOp
class  DensitySink
class  DensitySource
class  Depend
 Attribute dependency information. More...
class  Detonate
class  Discard
class  Disk
class  DL_Loader
 Raw access to a dynamic library. More...
class  DodgeOp
class  Dominate
class  DrawAtoms
class  DrawAttributeLabels
class  DrawButtons
class  DrawChainOps
class  DrawConstruct
class  DrawNodes
 Draw nodes. More...
class  DrawPairs
class  DrawParticle
class  DrawPick
 Draw forward pick. More...
class  DrawPlant
class  DrawPoints
class  DrawRadio
class  DrawRayTrace
class  DrawRod
class  DrawRouter
class  DrawScalarField
class  DrawScan
class  DrawSelection
class  DrawStringEntry
class  DrawTargeting
class  DrawTerrain
class  DrawTestOp
class  DrawThrust
class  DrawTransform
class  DrawVectorField
 draw a vector field More...
class  DrawView
class  drivelineAS
class  DrivelineISystem
class  DroneControl
class  DroneDynamics
class  DroneInput
class  DroneMission
class  DualString
 Automatically reference-counted string container. More...
class  Euler
 Special vector for concatenated Euler angles. More...
class  EvaluateSystem
class  EventMap
class  ExcarnateOp
class  Exception
 Generic exception carrying a fe::String payload. More...
class  ExistController
class  ExplicitInertial
class  Explosion
class  ExportOp
class  ExtractOp
class  FlatnessOp
class  Flatten
class  FloraHandler
class  FollicleOp
class  Forest
class  Fork
class  FormDrag
class  Function
class  FuseOp
class  FusionOp
class  GenerateNav
 Generate a navigation field, which is a vector field of directions to get to a target destination point. More...
class  GotoMethod
class  GotoOrigin
 dummy test object More...
class  Gravity
class  GridWrapOp
class  GroundCollisionSystem
class  GroupDeleteOp
class  GroupExtract
class  GroupOp
class  GroupPromoteOp
class  HammerOp
class  Handled
 Base class providing an fe::Handle to the derived class. More...
class  HingeOp
class  HobbleOp
class  hp
 Safe handle for shared pointer. More...
class  IdleSpinOp
class  ImguiHandler
class  ImportOp
class  InfluenceOp
class  Initialize
 Per-class participation in the Initialized <> mechanism. More...
class  Initialized
 Base class providing collective initialization (post-constructor) More...
class  Insert
class  InspectController
class  Instance
 Smart pointer used with types represented by BaseType. More...
class  InstanceMap
 Group of named instances. More...
class  Intersectors
class  Jitter
 randomly displace a particle More...
class  JointCombineOp
class  JointSeparateOp
class  JoySDL
class  JunkOp
class  KinkCLOp
class  KinkOp
class  LayoutAV
 Record "type" definition. More...
class  LayoutSB
 Record "type" definition. More...
class  LengthCorrectOp
class  Library
 Interface into a dynamic library to access its factories. More...
class  LimberOp
class  LinearReaction
class  LinearTire
class  List
 Fully Bidirectional Doubly-Linked List. More...
class  ListCore
 Type-nonspecific Base Functionality of fe::List <> More...
class  LocatorFromPointsSystem
class  Log
 Base class for logging system Log objects. More...
class  Logger
 C++ portion of logging interface implementation. More...
class  LogHandler
class  LogWindowHandler
class  LuaBehavior
class  LuaBind
class  LuaExec
class  LuaHandler
class  LuaIterate
class  Manipulator
class  ManipulatorCommon
class  MapOp
class  Master
 Central access point for key pseudo-global objects. More...
class  MatchSizeOp
class  Material
class  Matrix
 General template for fixed size numeric matrices. More...
class  Matrix< 3, 4, T >
 Matrix for 3D transformations. More...
class  mechanicsAS
class  Memory
 Basic memory management. More...
class  MergeOp
class  MeshSeparateOp
class  Metabolism
class  MimicOp
class  MirrorOp
class  Mitosis
class  moaAS
class  Mortal
class  MountSystem
class  MultiGroupReader
class  MultiGroupWriter
class  MultiModOp
class  NativeEventContext
class  NativeKeyboard
class  NativeWindow
class  NetworkCatalog
class  NetworkOp
class  NewtonEuler
class  NexusOp
class  NoiseOp
class  NotSafe
 No locking for thread safety. More...
class  NotSafeShared
 No locking for thread safety. More...
class  NullOp
class  NullViewer
class  ObjectSafe
 Object level locking for thread safety. More...
class  ObjectSafeShared
 Object level locking for thread safety. More...
class  ObjectViewer
class  Observation
class  OffsetOp
class  OpaqueDrag
class  OpenCLOp
class  OpenSubdivOp
class  Operator
class  OperatorThreaded
class  Orchestrator
class  OrthonormalBasis
 OrthonormalBasis for 3D transformations. More...
class  OrthoViewer
class  PaneLocate
class  Particle
class  ParticleMountSystem
class  PartitionOp
class  PerspectiveViewer
class  PickPoint
class  planAS
class  planetAS
class  PlanHandler
 Processes plans. More...
class  Plant
class  PlantSeed
class  PlayerPipeline
class  PointViewerSystem
class  Poison
 Death pill for threads. More...
class  Poisoned
 An exception to be thrown when active Poison has been detected. More...
class  PoisonOp
class  PopulateI
 Populate a layout with attributes. More...
class  PortalOp
class  PostGuideCLOp
class  PotentialNav
class  PreviewOp
class  Profiler
 Group of tick-based precision profilers. More...
class  Projector
class  ProjectPoint
class  Protectable
 Base class providing protection counting for cp<> More...
class  Provot
class  ProxBrute
class  ProxHash
class  Proximity
class  ProxMultiGrid
class  ProxSweep
class  PuppetOp
class  PushSequencer
class  Quaternion
 Four-dimensional complex number. More...
class  QuickViewer
class  QuiltOp
class  Radio
class  RasterOp
class  Recordable
class  RecordArrayAV
 Homogeneous collection of Records. More...
class  RecordArraySB
 Homogeneous collection of Records. More...
class  RecordAV
 Reference to an instance of a Layout. More...
class  RecordCookbook
 Instructions to set attributes of a Record. More...
class  RecordFactoryI
 Component to create and initialize a Record. More...
class  RecordGroup
 A heterogenous collection of records. More...
class  RecordGroupDebug
class  RecordOperation
 An operation on a record. More...
class  RecordPlayer
class  RecordRecorder
class  RecordSB
 Reference to an instance of a Layout. More...
class  RegionalDebug
class  Registry
 Dynamic Library Manager. More...
class  RigParticleMountSystem
class  Rod
class  RootLocate
class  RotationalMechanicalSystem
class  RouteController
class  RouteHandler
class  RulerOp
class  Scan
class  ScatterOp
class  Scope
 Layout namespace. More...
class  ScopeDebug
class  SegmentStore
 Memory manager for state blocks. More...
class  SelectController
class  SemiImplicit
class  SemiImplicit1D
class  SemiImplicit2D
class  SemiImplicitDriveline
class  SemiImplicitInertial
class  shapeAS
class  ShapeSelector
class  SharpenOp
class  Shoot
class  SignalerViewerI
class  SignalMessenger
class  SignalReceiver
class  SignalSender
class  SimPlant
class  SimpleDiffusion
class  SimpleGrid
class  SimpleNav
class  SimulationPipeline
class  Sing
class  SingleMaster
 Point of Entry for Development. More...
class  SmoothOp
class  SocketHandler
class  SoftSystem
class  solveAS
class  SourceSink
class  sp
 Intrusive Smart Pointer. More...
class  Sphere
class  SpineFitOp
class  Splat
class  SplatLineSystem
class  SpreadsheetOp
class  StashOp
class  StateCatalog
 Catalog with extensible mirroring. More...
class  StdAllocator
 Replacement for std::allocator using the FE memory system. More...
class  StepCostI
 Calculate a quantity (cost) associated with a directional step in space. More...
class  Stepper
class  StickLevel
class  StickTire
class  StoreI
 Base class for state block memeory managers. More...
class  Strata
class  Stratum
class  String
 Automatically reference-counted string container. More...
class  StringEntryController
class  StringScanI
 Text Analyzer. More...
class  SubdivideOp
class  SurfaceAttrConformOp
class  SurfaceAttrCopyOp
class  SurfaceAttrCreateOp
class  SurfaceAttrDeleteOp
class  SurfaceAttrLabOp
class  SurfaceAttrPromoteOp
class  SurfaceAttrRampOp
class  SurfaceBindOp
class  SurfaceCopyOp
class  SurfaceDeltaOp
class  SurfaceDrawOp
class  SurfaceGroundSystem
class  SurfaceMetricOp
class  SurfaceNormalOp
class  SurfacePoint
class  SurfaceProxyOp
class  SurfaceSampleOp
class  SurfaceSummaryOp
class  SurfaceViewerOp
class  SurfaceWalkOp
class  SurfaceWaveOp
class  SurfaceWrapCLOp
class  SurfaceWrapOp
class  Surveillance
class  SwayCLOp
class  Swim
class  System
 System call wrappers. More...
class  SystemTicker
 High precision timer. More...
class  Terrain
class  Theater
class  Thrust
class  Tick
class  tireAS
class  TireContactSystem
class  TireISystem
class  TireRig
class  TorsionSpring
class  Tracker
 Watches the usage of reference counted objects. More...
class  TransformManipulator
class  TransformOp
class  TreeLevel
class  TreeOp
class  TreeSeed
class  TubeOp
class  TwistBindOp
class  TwistWrapOp
class  Type
 A class to associate functionality with run time types. More...
class  TypeInfo
 C++ type_info wrapper. More...
class  TypeMaster
 Run time C++ type management. More...
class  UnitRepulse
class  UnitTest
 Counts success and failures in a style similar to assertions. More...
class  UnitThrust
 Dummy test object. More...
class  UnveilOp
class  ValidateOp
class  ValueManipulator
class  Vector
 Dense vector - size fixed by template. More...
class  Vector< 4, T >
 Partially specialized 4-component vector intended for spatial use. More...
class  Vector< FE_VDIM, F32 >
 Fully specialized 3 or 4 component F32 vector using GNU SIMD. More...
class  VeilOp
class  VideoRecorder
class  viewerAS
class  WavyOp
class  WayPathOp
class  WayPointOp
class  WayRestraintOp
class  WeakRecordAV
 Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout. More...
class  WeakRecordSB
 Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout. More...
class  windowAS
class  WindowController
class  WindowPipeline
class  WorldPipeline
class  WorldWindow
class  xClient
class  xDataPrimer
class  xDataui
class  xFloat
class  xImage
class  xRay
class  xRayBox
class  XRayOp
class  xSansGroups
class  xScope
class  xServer
class  xSurface
class  xTerrain
class  xTree
class  xTriangle
class  xTurtle
class  xViewer
class  xWeakRecord
class  xWorld


typedef double t_solve_real
typedef Vector< 2, t_solve_real > t_solve_v2
typedef Vector< 3, t_solve_real > t_solve_v3
typedef Matrix< 3, 3, t_solve_real > t_solve_matrix
typedef Matrix< 2, 2, t_solve_real > t_solve_m2
typedef std::map< String, Stringt_mapStrStr
typedef Array< Stringt_vecstring
typedef std::deque< Stringt_dequestring
typedef std::type_info fe_type_info
typedef AutoHashMap< TypeInfo, sp< BaseType > > type_info_map
typedef AutoHashMap< String, sp< BaseType > > string_type_map
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, Stringtype_string_map
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, sp< TypeConversion > > out_converter_map
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, out_converter_map > in_out_converter_map
typedef LayoutAV LayoutDefault
typedef RecordSB Record
typedef RecordSBInfo RecordInfo
typedef RecordArraySB RecordArray
typedef PtrRecordArraySBInfo PtrRecordArrayInfo
typedef sp< RecordArrayAVRecordArrayAVPtr
typedef HashMap< FE_UWORD, IWORD, hash_av, eq_av > t_av_map
typedef sp< RecordArraySBRecordArraySBPtr
typedef HashMap< void *, IWORD, hash_sb_pointer, eq_sb_pointer > t_sb_map
typedef sp< RecordGroupRecordGroupPtr
typedef std::map< hp< Layout >, sp< RecordArray > > t_layout_ra
typedef std::map< BaseAccessor, sp< WatcherI > > t_attribute_watcher
typedef std::set< sp< WatcherI > > t_watchers
typedef std::list< BaseAccessorFilterList
typedef std::map< sp< RecordGroup >, sp< RecordGroup > > t_srcrg_dstrg
typedef std::map< RecordSB, RecordSBt_srcr_dstr
typedef AutoHashMap< String, Array< String > > StringStringsMap
typedef AutoHashMap< hp< Layout >, sp< StoreI > > layout_store_map
typedef Array< sp< Attribute > > t_attributes
 Attribute collection. More...
typedef std::list< sp< Depend > > t_depends
 Depend collection. More...
typedef Array< hp< Layout > > t_layouts
 Layout collection. More...
typedef std::map< String, unsigned int > t_indexmap
typedef std::map< Attribute *, unsigned int > t_attrmap
typedef WeakRecordSB WeakRecord
typedef WeakRecordSBInfo WeakRecordInfo
typedef SpatialVector t_two_vecs[2]
typedef Barycenter< Real > SpatialBary
typedef Box< 2, I32 > Box2i
typedef Box< 2, F32 > Box2f
typedef Box< 2, F64 > Box2d
typedef Box< 2, Real > Box2
typedef Box< 3, F32 > Box3f
typedef Box< 3, F64 > Box3d
typedef Box< 3, Real > Box3
typedef Box< 3, Real > SpatialBox
typedef Euler< F32 > Eulerf
typedef Euler< F64 > Eulerd
typedef Euler< Real > SpatialEuler
typedef Vector< 3, Real > SpatialVector
typedef Matrix< 3, 3, Real > SpatialMatrix
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, F32 > Matrix3x4f
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, F64 > Matrix3x4d
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, Real > SpatialTransform
typedef OrthonormalBasis< F32 > OrthonormalBasisf
typedef OrthonormalBasis< F64 > OrthonormalBasisd
typedef OrthonormalBasis< Real > SpatialBasis
typedef Quaternion< F32 > Quaternionf
typedef Quaternion< F64 > Quaterniond
typedef Quaternion< Real > SpatialQuaternion
typedef Vector< 2, double > Vector2d
typedef Vector< 2, float > Vector2f
typedef Vector< 2, FE_UWORD > Vector2u
typedef Vector< 2, I32 > Vector2i
typedef Vector< 2, Real > Vector2
typedef Vector< 3, double > Vector3d
typedef Vector< 3, float > Vector3f
typedef Vector< 3, FE_UWORD > Vector3u
typedef Vector< 3, int > Vector3i
typedef Vector< 3, Real > Vector3
typedef Vector< 4, F64 > Vector4d
typedef Vector< 4, F32 > Vector4f
typedef Vector< 4, FE_UWORD > Vector4u
typedef Vector< 4, int > Vector4i
typedef Vector< 4, Real > Vector4
typedef float Real
typedef Real t_real
typedef std::vector< I32 > t_vecint
typedef std::vector< U32 > t_vecuint
typedef std::vector< t_real > t_vecreal
typedef Logt_logptr
typedef void *FE_CDECL allocateFunction(FE_UWORD byteCount)
typedef void *FE_CDECL reallocateFunction(void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount)
typedef void *FE_CDECL MutexInitFunction(bool a_recursive)
typedef void * a_pRawMutex
typedef void bool a_un
typedef void bool bool a_try
typedef void bool bool bool a_readOnly
typedef void *FE_CDECL MutexGuardInitFunction(bool a_recursive, void *a_pRawMutex, bool a_readOnly)
typedef void * a_pRawGuard
typedef void *FE_CDECL MutexConditionInitFunction(void)
typedef bool a_recursive
typedef bool a_all
typedef void *FE_CDECL RegexInitFunction(const char *a_pattern)
typedef void *FE_CDECL RegexMatchFunction(void *a_expression, const char *a_candidate)
typedef const char *FE_CDECL RegexResultFunction(void *a_result, U32 a_index)
typedef void *FE_CDECL RegexReplaceFunction(void *a_expression, const char *a_candidate, const char *a_replacement)
typedef void *FE_CDECL ThreadDefaultInitFunction(void)
typedef void *FE_CDECL ThreadInitFunction(void *a_pFunctor)
typedef String a_property
typedef String String a_value
typedef void *FE_CDECL ThreadGroupInitFunction(void)
typedef void *FE_CDECL ThreadGroupCreateFunction(void *a_pRawThreadGroup, void *a_pFunctor)


enum  Axis {
  e_xAxis =0x00,
  e_yAxis =0x01,
  e_zAxis =0x02
enum  Result {
  e_ok =0x00000000,
  e_undefinedFailure =FE_FAILURE,
 Generalized return value indicating success or failure, and why. More...


String print (ext::DrawMode::DrawStyle a_drawStyle)
String print (ext::DrawMode::Coloring a_coloring)
String print (const sp< ext::DrawMode > spDrawMode)
LibraryCreateMechanicsLibrary (sp< Master > spMaster)
const t_solve_v3 solveZeroVector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
String print (const ext::WindowEvent &event)
template<typename P >
void wavefrontPotential (Continuum< P > &a_potential, sp< StepCostI > a_costFn, const SpatialVector &a_target, const P &a_max, const P &a_min)
void snapshot (sp< RecordGroup > a_spRG, const char *a_str)
void assertCore (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster)
template<typename T >
const fe_type_info & getTypeId (void)
template<typename T >
void deleteByType (T t)
void deleteByType (void *pT)
template<typename T >
void deleteByType (T *pT)
template<typename T >
void deleteByType (T **ppT)
template<typename T >
defaultByType (T t)
template<typename T >
T * defaultByType (T *pT)
void skip (std::istream &istrm, FE_UWORD cnt)
void output (std::ostream &ostrm, const String &s)
void output (std::ostream &ostrm, U8 u8)
void output (std::ostream &ostrm, U32 u32)
void output (std::ostream &ostrm, I32 i32)
void input (std::istream &istrm, String &s)
void input (std::istream &istrm, U8 &u8)
void input (std::istream &istrm, U32 &u32)
void input (std::istream &istrm, I32 &i32)
void milliSleep (long milliseconds)
 Sleep the current process for the given number of milliseconds. More...
void microSleep (long microseconds)
 Sleep the current process for the given number of microseconds. More...
void minimumSleep (long microseconds=1)
 Sleep the current process for the given number of microseconds or the minimum that the OS can resolve, whichever is larger. More...
void nanoSpin (long nanoseconds)
 Delay the current thread for the given number of nanoseconds. More...
unsigned long systemTick (void)
 Sleep the current thread for the given number of seconds and nanoseconds. More...
unsigned long systemMicroseconds (void)
 Get the high precision microsecond timer. More...
template<class T >
sp< BaseTypeassertType (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster, const String &name)
FE_DL_EXPORT LibraryCreateDataLibrary (sp< Master > spMaster)
bool operator< (const RecordAV &lhs, const RecordAV &rhs)
bool operator< (const RecordSB &lhs, const RecordSB &rhs)
void assertData (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster)
BWORD intersectRaySphere (Real *a_collisionDistance, const SpatialVector &a_rayRoot, const SpatialVector &a_rayDirection, const SpatialVector &a_sphereCenter, const Real &a_sphereRadius)
BWORD intersectLinePlane (SpatialVector &a_intersection, BWORD a_loBound, BWORD a_hiBound, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal)
BWORD intersectRayPlane (SpatialVector &a_intersection, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal)
BWORD intersectLineTriangle (SpatialVector &a_intersection, BWORD a_loBound, BWORD a_hiBound, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC, const SpatialVector &a_triNormal)
BWORD intersectRayTriangle (SpatialVector &a_intersection, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC)
BWORD intersectTrianglePlane (SpatialVector &a_intersectionA, SpatialVector &a_intersectionB, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal)
BWORD sideCheck (const SpatialVector &a_p1, const SpatialVector &a_p2, const SpatialVector &a_a, const SpatialVector &a_b)
BWORD pointInTriangle (const SpatialVector &a_point, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC)
Vector2 uvDelta (const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1)
BWORD triangleDuDv (SpatialVector &a_du, SpatialVector &a_dv, const SpatialVector &a_point0, const SpatialVector &a_point1, const SpatialVector &a_point2, const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1, const Vector2 &a_uv2)
BWORD tangentFromDuDvN (Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangent, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_du, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_dv, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normal)
void randomRealSeed (const U32 &a_seed)
Real randomReal (const Real &a_min, const Real &a_max)
Real randomRealReentrant (U32 *a_pSeed, const Real &a_min, const Real &a_max)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD triangleDuDv (Vector< 3, Real > &a_du, Vector< 3, Real > &a_dv, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point2, const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1, const Vector2 &a_uv2)
void assertMath (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster)
template<class T , typename U , typename V , typename W >
Barycenter< T > & set (Barycenter< T > &a_lhs, U a_b0, V a_b1, W a_b2)
template<int N, class T , typename U , typename V , typename W >
Vector< N, T > location (const Barycenter< T > &a_barycenter, const Vector< N, U > &a_vert0, const Vector< N, V > &a_vert1, const Vector< N, W > &a_vert2)
template<class T , typename U >
blend (const Barycenter< T > &a_barycenter, U a_value0, U a_value1, U a_value2)
const Box3 aabb (const Vector3f &location, const Vector3f &span, F32 baseRadius, F32 endRadius)
const Box3 aabb (const Vector3f &location, F32 radius)
Colorset (Color &lhs)
template<typename U >
Colorset (Color &lhs, U r)
template<typename U , typename V >
Colorset (Color &lhs, U r, V g)
template<typename U , typename V , typename W >
Colorset (Color &lhs, U r, V g, W b)
template<class T >
minimum (T a, T b)
template<class T >
maximum (T a, T b)
template<class T >
clamp (T a, T lo, T hi)
template<class T >
clampmax (T a, T hi)
template<class T >
clampmin (T a, T lo)
template<class T >
sign (T a)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool isZero (T a_value, U a_tolerance)
template<typename T >
bool isZeroV3 (const Vector< 3, T > &a_vec, T a_tolerance)
template<typename T >
bool isZero (T a_value)
bool isZero (const Vector< 3, double > &a_vec)
bool isZero (const Vector< 3, float > &a_vec)
const SpatialVector zeroVector (Real(0), Real(0), Real(0))
template<int M, int N, class T >
Matrix< M, N, T > & set (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix)
template<int M, int N, class T , class U >
Matrix< M, N, T > & set (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix, const U *pArray)
template<int M, int N, class T , class U >
Matrix< M, N, T > & setAll (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix, const U value)
template<int M, int N, class T >
void squareroot (Matrix< M, N, T > &a_U, const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A)
 Square root of a matrix. More...
template<int M, int N, class T >
void backSub (const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A, Vector< N, T > &a_x, const Vector< N, T > &a_b)
template<int M, int N, class T >
void transposeForeSub (const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A, Vector< N, T > &a_x, const Vector< N, T > &a_b)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & osg_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix)
 4x4 invert More...
template<typename T >
determinant3x3 (T a1, T a2, T a3, T b1, T b2, T b3, T c1, T c2, T c3)
template<typename T >
determinant (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &m)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & jad_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & brk_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix)
 4x4 full matrix inversion More...
template<typename T >
Matrix< 3, 3, T > & invert (Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_matrix)
 3x3 matrix inversion More...
template<typename T >
bool inverted (Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_matrix)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > perspective (T fovy, T aspect, T nearplane, T farplane)
 Create perspective projection transform just like gluPerspective. More...
template<typename T >
void decomposePerspective (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_rProjection, T &a_rFovy, T &a_rAspect, T &a_rNearplane, T &a_rFarplane)
 Try to extract settings of a perspective matrix. More...
template<typename T >
Matrix< 4, 4, T > ortho (T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_val, T far_val)
 Create orthogonal projection transform just like glOrtho. More...
template<typename T >
void project (Vector< 4, T > &a_r, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v)
 project vector through matrix. divides by transformed w More...
template<typename T >
void unproject (Vector< 4, T > &a_r, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v)
 reverse project vector through matrix. reverses w division More...
template<typename T >
void transformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v, Vector< 4, T > &a_r)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > transformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > inverseTransformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<typename T >
void transposeTransformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v, Vector< 4, T > &a_r)
template<int N, class T >
Matrix< N, N, T > & outerProduct (Matrix< N, N, T > &result, const Vector< N, T > &a, const Vector< N, T > &b)
BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_0, const SpatialVector &a_1, const SpatialVector &a_2, const SpatialVector &a_offset)
BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_0, const SpatialVector &a_1, const SpatialVector &a_2, const SpatialTransform &a_transform)
BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_direction, const SpatialVector &a_up)
BWORD makeFrameCameraZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_yDir, const SpatialVector &a_cameraZ)
BWORD makeFrameTangentX (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalY)
BWORD makeFrameNormalY (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalY)
BWORD makeFrameNormalZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalZ)
template<typename T >
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & setIdentity (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > rotateVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > inverseRotateVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > transformVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<int N, typename T >
Vector< N, T > inverseTransformVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in)
template<typename T >
void setColumn (int i, Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &v)
template<typename T >
void getColumn (int i, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 3, T > &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & scaleAll (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, U scalefactor)
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< N, U > scalefactor)
template<typename T , typename U >
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 2, U > scalefactor)
template<typename T , typename U >
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 1, U > scalefactor)
template<int M, int N, class T >
void copy (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Matrix< M, N, T > &rhs)
template<int M, int N, class T >
void copy (Matrix< M, N, T > &lhs, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
determinant (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &matrix)
template<class T >
Matrix< 3, 4, T > operator* (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &left, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &right)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_2, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_offset)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_2, const SpatialTransform &a_transform)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_direction, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_up)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrameCameraZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_yDir, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_cameraZ)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrameTangentX (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalY)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrameNormalY (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalY)
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD makeFrameNormalZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalZ)
SpatialQuaternion stepVelocity (const SpatialQuaternion &previous, const SpatialQuaternion &desired, Real deltaT, Real maxVelocity, Real maxAcceleration)
 Return a new velocity based on desired change and constraints. More...
template<typename T >
void rotateVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &in, Vector< 3, T > &out)
template<typename T >
void rotateXVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real x, Vector< 3, T > &out)
template<typename T >
void rotateYVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real y, Vector< 3, T > &out)
template<typename T >
void rotateZVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real z, Vector< 3, T > &out)
template<class T >
Real removeTwistAboutX (Quaternion< T > &rRotation)
template<class T >
Real removeTwistAboutY (Quaternion< T > &rRotation)
template<class T >
Real removeTwistAboutZ (Quaternion< T > &rRotation)
template<typename T >
BWORD checkValid (const T &a_value)
template<typename T >
void confirmValid (const T &a_value)
BWORD checkValid (const F32 &a_value)
void confirmValid (const F32 &a_value)
BWORD checkValid (const F64 &a_value)
void confirmValid (const F64 &a_value)
template<int N, typename T >
BWORD checkValid (const Vector< N, T > &a_vector)
template<int N, typename T >
void confirmValid (const Vector< N, T > &a_vector)
template<int N>
BWORD checkValid (const Vector< N, F32 > &a_vector)
template<int N>
void confirmValid (const Vector< N, F32 > &a_vector)
template<int N>
BWORD checkValid (const Vector< N, F64 > &a_vector)
template<int N>
void confirmValid (const Vector< N, F64 > &a_vector)
template<typename T >
void maybeConfirmValid (const T &a_value)
template<class T >
Vector< 2, T > & set (Vector< 2, T > &lhs)
template<class T , typename U , typename V >
Vector< 2, T > & set (Vector< 2, T > &lhs, U x, V y=0.0)
template<class T >
Vector< 2, T > operator+ (const Vector< 2, T > &lhs, const Vector< 2, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Vector< 2, T > operator- (const Vector< 2, T > &lhs, const Vector< 2, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
void polyInterp (const Array< Vector< 2, T > > &a_xy, const T &a_x, T &a_y, T &a_dy)
template<class T >
Vector< 3, T > & cross3 (Vector< 3, T > &r, const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Vector< 3, T > cross3 (const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Vector< 3, T > & cross (Vector< 3, T > &r, const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Vector< 3, T > cross (const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Vector< 3, T > & set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs)
template<class T , typename U >
Vector< 3, T > & set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x)
template<class T , typename U , typename V >
Vector< 3, T > & set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x, V y)
template<class T , typename U , typename V , typename W >
Vector< 3, T > & set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x, V y, W z)
void fe_memory_lock (void)
void fe_memory_unlock (void)
FE_DL_EXPORT void *FE_CDECL ex_allocate (FE_UWORD byteCount)
FE_DL_EXPORT void *FE_CDECL ex_reallocate (void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount)
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL ex_deallocate (void *pMemory)
void FE_CDECL feStdioPrintFunction (const char *pAscii)
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL setPrintFunction (printFunction *p_fn)
FE_DL_PUBLIC void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Log *a_log)
FE_DL_PUBLIC void intrusive_ptr_release (Log *a_log)
void vsPrintf (std::string &target, const char *fmt, va_list ap, int &size)
 Format text into a fe::String. More...
DualString errorDualString (int errnum)
 Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code. More...
BWORD operator== (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2)
 Compare two DualString's. More...
BWORD operator== (const char *s1, const DualString &s2)
 Compare a byte buffer to an DualString. More...
BWORD operator== (const DualString &s1, const char *s2)
 Compare an DualString to a byte buffer. More...
BWORD operator!= (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2)
 Compare two DualString's (reverse logic) More...
BWORD operator!= (const char *s1, const DualString &s2)
 Compare a byte buffer to an DualString (reverse logic) More...
BWORD operator!= (const DualString &s1, const char *s2)
 Compare an DualString to a byte buffer (reverse logic) More...
DualString operator+ (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2)
String print (const Exception &a_rException)
typedef void (FE_CDECL deallocateFunction)(void *pMemory)
void * allocate (FE_UWORD byteCount)
void deallocate (void *pMemory)
void * reallocate (void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount)
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL setAllocateFunction (allocateFunction *p_fn)
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL setDeallocateFunction (deallocateFunction *p_fn)
typedef bool (FE_CDECL MutexLockFunction)(bool a_recursive
void * ompmutex_init (bool a_recursive)
bool ompmutex_lock (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex, bool a_un, bool a_try, bool a_readOnly)
void ompmutex_finish (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex)
void * ompguard_init (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex, bool a_readOnly)
bool ompguard_lock (bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_un, bool a_try, bool a_readOnly)
void ompguard_finish (bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_readOnly)
void * ompcondition_init (void)
bool ompcondition_wait (void *a_pCondition, bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_readOnly)
bool ompcondition_notify (void *a_pCondition, bool a_all)
void ompcondition_finish (void *a_pCondition)
FE_DL_EXPORT bool omp_mutex_init (void)
void * ompthread_default_init (void)
void * ompthread_init (void *a_pFunctor)
void ompthread_interrupt (void *a_pThread)
void ompthread_join (void *a_pThread)
bool ompthread_joinable (void *a_pThread)
void ompthread_finish (void *a_pThread)
void ompthread_interruption (void)
int ompthread_concurrency (void)
void * ompgroup_init (void)
void * ompgroup_create (void *a_pThreadGroup, void *a_pFunctor)
void ompgroup_join_all (void *a_pThreadGroup)
void ompgroup_finish (void *a_pThreadGroup)
FE_DL_EXPORT bool omp_thread_init (void)
float compute_dpi (void)
float determine_multiplication (Real a_dpi)
const char * resultString (Result result)
 Return a string for a result code. More...
BWORD successful (Result result)
 Returns TRUE if the result value indicates a success. More...
BWORD failure (Result result)
 Returns TRUE if the result value indicates a failure. More...
String errorString (int errnum)
 Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code. More...
void * fe_memrchr (const void *s, int c, size_t n)
BWORD operator== (const String &s1, const String &s2)
 Compare two String's. More...
BWORD operator== (const char *s1, const String &s2)
 Compare a byte buffer to an String. More...
BWORD operator== (const String &s1, const char *s2)
 Compare an String to a byte buffer. More...
BWORD operator!= (const String &s1, const String &s2)
 Compare two String's (reverse logic) More...
BWORD operator!= (const char *s1, const String &s2)
 Compare a byte buffer to an String (reverse logic) More...
BWORD operator!= (const String &s1, const char *s2)
 Compare an String to a byte buffer (reverse logic) More...
String operator+ (const String &s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const int &i)
String operator+ (const int &i, const String &s1)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const float &f)
String operator+ (const float &f, const String &s1)
String print (const String &a_rString)
String print (char *a_buffer)
String print (U32 a_integer)
String print (I32 a_integer)
String print (F32 a_float)
String print (F64 a_double)
typedef int (FE_CDECL ThreadConcurrencyFunction)(void)
template<class T >
fe::String FE_CDECL fe_type_name ()
void assertPlugin (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster)
template<class T >
sp< T > component_cast (sp< Component > spC)


Real epsilon = 1.0
const EpsilonCalc epscalc
const Real pi =Real(M_PI)
const Real degToRad =fe::pi/Real(180)
const Real radToDeg =Real(180)/fe::pi
const Real tol =1e-5f
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT printFunction * gs_pPrintFunction =feStdioPrintFunction
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexInitFunction * gs_fnRegexInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexMatchFunction * gs_fnRegexMatch =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexMatchFunction * gs_fnRegexSearch =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexResultFunction * gs_fnRegexResult =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexReplaceFunction * gs_fnRegexReplace =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexFinishFunction * gs_fnRegexFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexReleaseFunction * gs_fnRegexRelease =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexInitFunction * gs_fnMutexInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexLockFunction * gs_fnMutexLock =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexFinishFunction * gs_fnMutexFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardInitFunction * gs_fnMutexGuardInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardLockFunction * gs_fnMutexGuardLock =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardFinishFunction * gs_fnMutexGuardFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionInitFunction * gs_fnMutexConditionInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionWaitFunction * gs_fnMutexConditionWait =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionNotifyFunction * gs_fnMutexConditionNotify =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionFinishFunction * gs_fnMutexConditionFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String gs_mutexSupport
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadDefaultInitFunction * gs_fnThreadDefaultInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInitFunction * gs_fnThreadInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadConfigFunction * gs_fnThreadConfig =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInterruptFunction * gs_fnThreadInterrupt =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadJoinFunction * gs_fnThreadJoin =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadJoinableFunction * gs_fnThreadJoinable =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadFinishFunction * gs_fnThreadFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInterruptionFunction * gs_fnThreadInterruption =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadConcurrencyFunction * gs_fnThreadConcurrency =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupInitFunction * gs_fnThreadGroupInit =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupCreateFunction * gs_fnThreadGroupCreate =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupJoinAllFunction * gs_fnThreadGroupJoinAll =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupFinishFunction * gs_fnThreadGroupFinish =NULL
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String gs_threadSupport
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String gs_logPrefix
allocateFunction * gs_pAllocateFunction
deallocateFunction * gs_pDeallocateFunction
reallocateFunction * gs_pReallocateFunction
void * gs_pHeapBase
I32 gs_newCheck

Detailed Description


Typedef Documentation

◆ t_attributes

Attribute collection.

◆ t_depends

typedef std::list< sp<Depend> > fe::t_depends

Depend collection.

◆ t_layouts

typedef Array< hp<Layout> > fe::t_layouts

Layout collection.

Function Documentation

◆ checkValid() [1/6]

template<typename T >
BWORD fe::checkValid ( const T &  a_value)

◆ checkValid() [2/6]

BWORD fe::checkValid ( const F32 &  a_value)

◆ checkValid() [3/6]

BWORD fe::checkValid ( const F64 &  a_value)

◆ checkValid() [4/6]

template<int N, typename T >
BWORD fe::checkValid ( const Vector< N, T > &  a_vector)

◆ checkValid() [5/6]

template<int N>
BWORD fe::checkValid ( const Vector< N, F32 > &  a_vector)

◆ checkValid() [6/6]

template<int N>
BWORD fe::checkValid ( const Vector< N, F64 > &  a_vector)

◆ confirmValid() [1/6]

template<typename T >
void fe::confirmValid ( const T &  a_value)

Referenced by maybeConfirmValid().

◆ confirmValid() [2/6]

void fe::confirmValid ( const F32 &  a_value)

References checkValid().

◆ confirmValid() [3/6]

void fe::confirmValid ( const F64 &  a_value)

References checkValid().

◆ confirmValid() [4/6]

template<int N, typename T >
void fe::confirmValid ( const Vector< N, T > &  a_vector)

◆ confirmValid() [5/6]

template<int N>
void fe::confirmValid ( const Vector< N, F32 > &  a_vector)

◆ confirmValid() [6/6]

template<int N>
void fe::confirmValid ( const Vector< N, F64 > &  a_vector)

◆ decomposePerspective()

template<typename T >
void fe::decomposePerspective ( const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_rProjection,
T &  a_rFovy,
T &  a_rAspect,
T &  a_rNearplane,
T &  a_rFarplane 

Try to extract settings of a perspective matrix.

◆ errorDualString()

DualString fe::errorDualString ( int  error)

Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code.

Referenced by operator!=().

◆ invert() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Matrix<4,4,T>& fe::invert ( Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_inverted,
const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_matrix 

◆ invert() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Matrix<3,3,T>& fe::invert ( Matrix< 3, 3, T > &  a_inverted,
const Matrix< 3, 3, T > &  a_matrix 

3x3 matrix inversion

◆ maybeConfirmValid()

template<typename T >
void fe::maybeConfirmValid ( const T &  a_value)

◆ operator!=() [1/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const DualString s1,
const DualString s2 

Compare two DualString's (reverse logic)

References fe::DualString::compare().

◆ operator!=() [2/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const char *  s1,
const DualString s2 

Compare a byte buffer to an DualString (reverse logic)

References fe::DualString::compare().

◆ operator!=() [3/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const DualString s1,
const char *  s2 

Compare an DualString to a byte buffer (reverse logic)

References fe::DualString::c_str(), fe::DualString::catf(), fe::DualString::compare(), and errorDualString().

◆ operator!=() [4/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const String s1,
const String s2 

Compare two String's (reverse logic)

References fe::String::equals().

◆ operator!=() [5/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const char *  s1,
const String s2 

Compare a byte buffer to an String (reverse logic)

◆ operator!=() [6/6]

BWORD fe::operator!= ( const String s1,
const char *  s2 

Compare an String to a byte buffer (reverse logic)

References fe::String::c_str(), fe::String::cat(), fe::String::equals(), and fe::String::sPrintf().

◆ operator==() [1/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const DualString s1,
const DualString s2 

◆ operator==() [2/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const char *  s1,
const DualString s2 

Compare a byte buffer to an DualString.

References fe::DualString::compare().

◆ operator==() [3/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const DualString s1,
const char *  s2 

Compare an DualString to a byte buffer.

References fe::DualString::compare().

◆ operator==() [4/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const String s1,
const String s2 

Compare two String's.

References fe::String::equals().

◆ operator==() [5/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const char *  s1,
const String s2 

Compare a byte buffer to an String.

◆ operator==() [6/6]

BWORD fe::operator== ( const String s1,
const char *  s2 

Compare an String to a byte buffer.

References fe::String::equals().

◆ ortho()

template<typename T >
Matrix<4,4,T> fe::ortho ( left,

Create orthogonal projection transform just like glOrtho.

◆ osg_invert()

template<typename T >
Matrix<4,4,T>& fe::osg_invert ( Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_inverted,
const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_matrix 

4x4 invert

Referenced by invert().

◆ perspective()

template<typename T >
Matrix<4,4,T> fe::perspective ( fovy,

Create perspective projection transform just like gluPerspective.

◆ project()

template<typename T >
void fe::project ( Vector< 4, T > &  a_r,
const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_m,
const Vector< 4, T > &  a_v 

project vector through matrix. divides by transformed w

Referenced by fe::ext::ViewCommon::screenInfo().

◆ squareroot()

template<int M, int N, class T >
void fe::squareroot ( Matrix< M, N, T > &  a_U,
const Matrix< M, N, T > &  a_A 

Square root of a matrix.

This is a Cholesky Factorization: trans(U)*U = A

◆ stepVelocity()

FE_DL_PUBLIC SpatialQuaternion fe::stepVelocity ( const SpatialQuaternion previous,
const SpatialQuaternion desired,
Real  deltaT,
Real  maxVelocity,
Real  maxAcceleration 

Return a new velocity based on desired change and constraints.

Over the given delta time, tries to return desired change, but contrains the result using the previous velocity, maximum velocity and maximum acceleration.

The desired change is how far the velocity would take the angle in this frame if acceleration was infinite. The result may try to predict deceleration if the remaining change is relatively small with respect to the maxAcceleration.

Note that the use of quaternions limits angular values to 180 degrees, including velocity and acceleration (per second and second^2).

◆ unproject()

template<typename T >
void fe::unproject ( Vector< 4, T > &  a_r,
const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &  a_m,
const Vector< 4, T > &  a_v 

reverse project vector through matrix. reverses w division

◆ vsPrintf()

void FE_DL_EXPORT fe::vsPrintf ( std::string &  target,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  ap,
int &  size 

Format text into a fe::String.