Free Electron
kernel More...
Classes | |
class | Accessor |
The main data access class for the data system. More... | |
class | AccessorSet |
Set of accessors. More... | |
class | AccessorSets |
class | Annotate |
class | AppDebugWindow |
class | Arena |
class | Array |
Wrapper for std::vector. More... | |
class | AsBox |
class | AsCatalog |
class | AsComponent |
just a Component More... | |
class | AsGeneric |
Generic reusable attributes. More... | |
class | AsOrbiter |
class | AsSequenceSignal |
Sequencer signal. More... | |
class | Assign |
class | AsSystem |
System reserved attributes. More... | |
class | AsViewport |
class | AttachOp |
class | Attract |
class | Attribute |
An attribute within a Layout (record type) More... | |
class | AttributeController |
class | BallCollideCLOp |
class | Barycenter |
Barycentric coordinates for a triangle. More... | |
class | BaseAccessor |
Type inspecific Accessor. More... | |
class | BaseType |
A class to associate functionality with run time types. More... | |
class | Behavior |
class | BenderOp |
class | BendOp |
class | BindEditOp |
class | BladeOp |
class | BlendShapeOp |
class | BlendTire |
class | BloatOp |
class | Box |
N-dimensional axis-aligned bounding-box. More... | |
class | BroydenInertial |
Broyden time integration. More... | |
class | BrushTestOp |
class | BrushTire |
class | BruteCollide |
class | BruteScan |
Analyze text on the fly. More... | |
class | ButtonController |
class | CacheCLOp |
class | CacheOp |
class | Castable |
Base participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism. More... | |
class | CastableAs |
Per-class participation non-RTTI fallback dynamic casting mechanism. More... | |
class | Catalog |
Dictionary of Arbitrary Instances. More... | |
class | CatalogBuffer |
Access fe::Array<> properties without invoking std::vector<> More... | |
class | ChainOp |
class | ChainOpController |
class | ChainSignaler |
class | ChannelBinder |
class | ChannelController |
class | ChannelFilter |
class | ClaspOp |
class | ClassSafe |
Class level locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | ClassSafeShared |
Class level locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | ClientPipeline |
class | Cloner |
Deep cloning tool. More... | |
class | ClosestGroundContactSystem |
class | ClumpCLOp |
class | ClumpOp |
class | Collect |
class | Color |
Special vector for color (RGBA) More... | |
class | Communicate |
class | Component |
Base for all interfacable components. More... | |
class | ConfiguredApplication |
class | ConnectOp |
class | ConsoleKeys |
class | Construct |
class | ContractOp |
class | Control |
class | ControlCenter |
class | Counted |
Heap-based support for classes participating in fe::ptr <> More... | |
class | cp |
Copy-On-Write shared pointer. More... | |
class | CreatePlanetHandler |
class | Crowd |
class | CurlOp |
class | CurvaceousOp |
class | CurveCombineOp |
class | CurveCreateOp |
class | CurveFollowOp |
class | CurveSampleOp |
class | CurveSeparateOp |
class | Cylinder |
class | DAGNode |
Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph. More... | |
class | data |
class | DataIOController |
class | datatoolAS |
class | datauiAS |
class | datauiDL |
class | DebugController |
class | DebugWindow |
class | DeleteOp |
class | DensitySink |
class | DensitySource |
class | Depend |
Attribute dependency information. More... | |
class | Detonate |
class | Discard |
class | Disk |
class | DL_Loader |
Raw access to a dynamic library. More... | |
class | DodgeOp |
class | Dominate |
class | DrawAtoms |
class | DrawAttributeLabels |
class | DrawButtons |
class | DrawChainOps |
class | DrawConstruct |
class | DrawNodes |
Draw nodes. More... | |
class | DrawPairs |
class | DrawParticle |
class | DrawPick |
Draw forward pick. More... | |
class | DrawPlant |
class | DrawPoints |
class | DrawRadio |
class | DrawRayTrace |
class | DrawRod |
class | DrawRouter |
class | DrawScalarField |
class | DrawScan |
class | DrawSelection |
class | DrawStringEntry |
class | DrawTargeting |
class | DrawTerrain |
class | DrawTestOp |
class | DrawThrust |
class | DrawTransform |
class | DrawVectorField |
draw a vector field More... | |
class | DrawView |
class | drivelineAS |
class | DrivelineISystem |
class | DroneControl |
class | DroneDynamics |
class | DroneInput |
class | DroneMission |
class | DualString |
Automatically reference-counted string container. More... | |
class | Euler |
Special vector for concatenated Euler angles. More... | |
class | EvaluateSystem |
class | EventMap |
class | ExcarnateOp |
class | Exception |
Generic exception carrying a fe::String payload. More... | |
class | ExistController |
class | ExplicitInertial |
class | Explosion |
class | ExportOp |
class | ExtractOp |
class | FlatnessOp |
class | Flatten |
class | FloraHandler |
class | FollicleOp |
class | Forest |
class | Fork |
class | FormDrag |
class | Function |
class | FuseOp |
class | FusionOp |
class | GenerateNav |
Generate a navigation field, which is a vector field of directions to get to a target destination point. More... | |
class | GotoMethod |
class | GotoOrigin |
dummy test object More... | |
class | Gravity |
class | GridWrapOp |
class | GroundCollisionSystem |
class | GroupDeleteOp |
class | GroupExtract |
class | GroupOp |
class | GroupPromoteOp |
class | HammerOp |
class | Handled |
Base class providing an fe::Handle to the derived class. More... | |
class | HingeOp |
class | HobbleOp |
class | hp |
Safe handle for shared pointer. More... | |
class | IdleSpinOp |
class | ImguiHandler |
class | ImportOp |
class | InfluenceOp |
class | Initialize |
Per-class participation in the Initialized <> mechanism. More... | |
class | Initialized |
Base class providing collective initialization (post-constructor) More... | |
class | Insert |
class | InspectController |
class | Instance |
Smart pointer used with types represented by BaseType. More... | |
class | InstanceMap |
Group of named instances. More... | |
class | Intersectors |
class | Jitter |
randomly displace a particle More... | |
class | JointCombineOp |
class | JointSeparateOp |
class | JoySDL |
class | JunkOp |
class | KinkCLOp |
class | KinkOp |
class | LayoutAV |
Record "type" definition. More... | |
class | LayoutSB |
Record "type" definition. More... | |
class | LengthCorrectOp |
class | Library |
Interface into a dynamic library to access its factories. More... | |
class | LimberOp |
class | LinearReaction |
class | LinearTire |
class | List |
Fully Bidirectional Doubly-Linked List. More... | |
class | ListCore |
Type-nonspecific Base Functionality of fe::List <> More... | |
class | LocatorFromPointsSystem |
class | Log |
Base class for logging system Log objects. More... | |
class | Logger |
C++ portion of logging interface implementation. More... | |
class | LogHandler |
class | LogWindowHandler |
class | LuaBehavior |
class | LuaBind |
class | LuaExec |
class | LuaHandler |
class | LuaIterate |
class | Manipulator |
class | ManipulatorCommon |
class | MapOp |
class | Master |
Central access point for key pseudo-global objects. More... | |
class | MatchSizeOp |
class | Material |
class | Matrix |
General template for fixed size numeric matrices. More... | |
class | Matrix< 3, 4, T > |
Matrix for 3D transformations. More... | |
class | mechanicsAS |
class | Memory |
Basic memory management. More... | |
class | MergeOp |
class | MeshSeparateOp |
class | Metabolism |
class | MimicOp |
class | MirrorOp |
class | Mitosis |
class | moaAS |
class | Mortal |
class | MountSystem |
class | MultiGroupReader |
class | MultiGroupWriter |
class | MultiModOp |
class | NativeEventContext |
class | NativeKeyboard |
class | NativeWindow |
class | NetworkCatalog |
class | NetworkOp |
class | NewtonEuler |
class | NexusOp |
class | NoiseOp |
class | NotSafe |
No locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | NotSafeShared |
No locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | NullOp |
class | NullViewer |
class | ObjectSafe |
Object level locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | ObjectSafeShared |
Object level locking for thread safety. More... | |
class | ObjectViewer |
class | Observation |
class | OffsetOp |
class | OpaqueDrag |
class | OpenCLOp |
class | OpenSubdivOp |
class | Operator |
class | OperatorThreaded |
class | Orchestrator |
class | OrthonormalBasis |
OrthonormalBasis for 3D transformations. More... | |
class | OrthoViewer |
class | PaneLocate |
class | Particle |
class | ParticleMountSystem |
class | PartitionOp |
class | PerspectiveViewer |
class | PickPoint |
class | planAS |
class | planetAS |
class | PlanHandler |
Processes plans. More... | |
class | Plant |
class | PlantSeed |
class | PlayerPipeline |
class | PointViewerSystem |
class | Poison |
Death pill for threads. More... | |
class | Poisoned |
An exception to be thrown when active Poison has been detected. More... | |
class | PoisonOp |
class | PopulateI |
Populate a layout with attributes. More... | |
class | PortalOp |
class | PostGuideCLOp |
class | PotentialNav |
class | PreviewOp |
class | Profiler |
Group of tick-based precision profilers. More... | |
class | Projector |
class | ProjectPoint |
class | Protectable |
Base class providing protection counting for cp<> More... | |
class | Provot |
class | ProxBrute |
class | ProxHash |
class | Proximity |
class | ProxMultiGrid |
class | ProxSweep |
class | PuppetOp |
class | PushSequencer |
class | Quaternion |
Four-dimensional complex number. More... | |
class | QuickViewer |
class | QuiltOp |
class | Radio |
class | RasterOp |
class | Recordable |
class | RecordArrayAV |
Homogeneous collection of Records. More... | |
class | RecordArraySB |
Homogeneous collection of Records. More... | |
class | RecordAV |
Reference to an instance of a Layout. More... | |
class | RecordCookbook |
Instructions to set attributes of a Record. More... | |
class | RecordFactoryI |
Component to create and initialize a Record. More... | |
class | RecordGroup |
A heterogenous collection of records. More... | |
class | RecordGroupDebug |
class | RecordOperation |
An operation on a record. More... | |
class | RecordPlayer |
class | RecordRecorder |
class | RecordSB |
Reference to an instance of a Layout. More... | |
class | RegionalDebug |
class | Registry |
Dynamic Library Manager. More... | |
class | RigParticleMountSystem |
class | Rod |
class | RootLocate |
class | RotationalMechanicalSystem |
class | RouteController |
class | RouteHandler |
class | RulerOp |
class | Scan |
class | ScatterOp |
class | Scope |
Layout namespace. More... | |
class | ScopeDebug |
class | SegmentStore |
Memory manager for state blocks. More... | |
class | SelectController |
class | SemiImplicit |
class | SemiImplicit1D |
class | SemiImplicit2D |
class | SemiImplicitDriveline |
class | SemiImplicitInertial |
class | shapeAS |
class | ShapeSelector |
class | SharpenOp |
class | Shoot |
class | SignalerViewerI |
class | SignalMessenger |
class | SignalReceiver |
class | SignalSender |
class | SimPlant |
class | SimpleDiffusion |
class | SimpleGrid |
class | SimpleNav |
class | SimulationPipeline |
class | Sing |
class | SingleMaster |
Point of Entry for Development. More... | |
class | SmoothOp |
class | SocketHandler |
class | SoftSystem |
class | solveAS |
class | SourceSink |
class | sp |
Intrusive Smart Pointer. More... | |
class | Sphere |
class | SpineFitOp |
class | Splat |
class | SplatLineSystem |
class | SpreadsheetOp |
class | StashOp |
class | StateCatalog |
Catalog with extensible mirroring. More... | |
class | StdAllocator |
Replacement for std::allocator using the FE memory system. More... | |
class | StepCostI |
Calculate a quantity (cost) associated with a directional step in space. More... | |
class | Stepper |
class | StickLevel |
class | StickTire |
class | StoreI |
Base class for state block memeory managers. More... | |
class | Strata |
class | Stratum |
class | String |
Automatically reference-counted string container. More... | |
class | StringEntryController |
class | StringScanI |
Text Analyzer. More... | |
class | SubdivideOp |
class | SurfaceAttrConformOp |
class | SurfaceAttrCopyOp |
class | SurfaceAttrCreateOp |
class | SurfaceAttrDeleteOp |
class | SurfaceAttrLabOp |
class | SurfaceAttrPromoteOp |
class | SurfaceAttrRampOp |
class | SurfaceBindOp |
class | SurfaceCopyOp |
class | SurfaceDeltaOp |
class | SurfaceDrawOp |
class | SurfaceGroundSystem |
class | SurfaceMetricOp |
class | SurfaceNormalOp |
class | SurfacePoint |
class | SurfaceProxyOp |
class | SurfaceSampleOp |
class | SurfaceSummaryOp |
class | SurfaceViewerOp |
class | SurfaceWalkOp |
class | SurfaceWaveOp |
class | SurfaceWrapCLOp |
class | SurfaceWrapOp |
class | Surveillance |
class | SwayCLOp |
class | Swim |
class | System |
System call wrappers. More... | |
class | SystemTicker |
High precision timer. More... | |
class | Terrain |
class | Theater |
class | Thrust |
class | Tick |
class | tireAS |
class | TireContactSystem |
class | TireISystem |
class | TireRig |
class | TorsionSpring |
class | Tracker |
Watches the usage of reference counted objects. More... | |
class | TransformManipulator |
class | TransformOp |
class | TreeLevel |
class | TreeOp |
class | TreeSeed |
class | TubeOp |
class | TwistBindOp |
class | TwistWrapOp |
class | Type |
A class to associate functionality with run time types. More... | |
class | TypeInfo |
C++ type_info wrapper. More... | |
class | TypeMaster |
Run time C++ type management. More... | |
class | UnitRepulse |
class | UnitTest |
Counts success and failures in a style similar to assertions. More... | |
class | UnitThrust |
Dummy test object. More... | |
class | UnveilOp |
class | ValidateOp |
class | ValueManipulator |
class | Vector |
Dense vector - size fixed by template. More... | |
class | Vector< 4, T > |
Partially specialized 4-component vector intended for spatial use. More... | |
class | Vector< FE_VDIM, F32 > |
Fully specialized 3 or 4 component F32 vector using GNU SIMD. More... | |
class | VeilOp |
class | VideoRecorder |
class | viewerAS |
class | WavyOp |
class | WayPathOp |
class | WayPointOp |
class | WayRestraintOp |
class | WeakRecordAV |
Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout. More... | |
class | WeakRecordSB |
Non-persistent reference to an instance of a Layout. More... | |
class | windowAS |
class | WindowController |
class | WindowPipeline |
class | WorldPipeline |
class | WorldWindow |
class | xClient |
class | xDataPrimer |
class | xDataui |
class | xFloat |
class | xImage |
class | xRay |
class | xRayBox |
class | XRayOp |
class | xSansGroups |
class | xScope |
class | xServer |
class | xSurface |
class | xTerrain |
class | xTree |
class | xTriangle |
class | xTurtle |
class | xViewer |
class | xWeakRecord |
class | xWorld |
Typedefs | |
typedef double | t_solve_real |
typedef Vector< 2, t_solve_real > | t_solve_v2 |
typedef Vector< 3, t_solve_real > | t_solve_v3 |
typedef Matrix< 3, 3, t_solve_real > | t_solve_matrix |
typedef Matrix< 2, 2, t_solve_real > | t_solve_m2 |
typedef std::map< String, String > | t_mapStrStr |
typedef Array< String > | t_vecstring |
typedef std::deque< String > | t_dequestring |
typedef std::type_info | fe_type_info |
typedef AutoHashMap< TypeInfo, sp< BaseType > > | type_info_map |
typedef AutoHashMap< String, sp< BaseType > > | string_type_map |
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, String > | type_string_map |
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, sp< TypeConversion > > | out_converter_map |
typedef AutoHashMap< sp< BaseType >, out_converter_map > | in_out_converter_map |
typedef LayoutAV | LayoutDefault |
typedef RecordSB | Record |
typedef RecordSBInfo | RecordInfo |
typedef RecordArraySB | RecordArray |
typedef PtrRecordArraySBInfo | PtrRecordArrayInfo |
typedef sp< RecordArrayAV > | RecordArrayAVPtr |
typedef HashMap< FE_UWORD, IWORD, hash_av, eq_av > | t_av_map |
typedef sp< RecordArraySB > | RecordArraySBPtr |
typedef HashMap< void *, IWORD, hash_sb_pointer, eq_sb_pointer > | t_sb_map |
typedef sp< RecordGroup > | RecordGroupPtr |
typedef std::map< hp< Layout >, sp< RecordArray > > | t_layout_ra |
typedef std::map< BaseAccessor, sp< WatcherI > > | t_attribute_watcher |
typedef std::set< sp< WatcherI > > | t_watchers |
typedef std::list< BaseAccessor > | FilterList |
typedef std::map< sp< RecordGroup >, sp< RecordGroup > > | t_srcrg_dstrg |
typedef std::map< RecordSB, RecordSB > | t_srcr_dstr |
typedef AutoHashMap< String, Array< String > > | StringStringsMap |
typedef AutoHashMap< hp< Layout >, sp< StoreI > > | layout_store_map |
typedef Array< sp< Attribute > > | t_attributes |
Attribute collection. More... | |
typedef std::list< sp< Depend > > | t_depends |
Depend collection. More... | |
typedef Array< hp< Layout > > | t_layouts |
Layout collection. More... | |
typedef std::map< String, unsigned int > | t_indexmap |
typedef std::map< Attribute *, unsigned int > | t_attrmap |
typedef WeakRecordSB | WeakRecord |
typedef WeakRecordSBInfo | WeakRecordInfo |
typedef SpatialVector | t_two_vecs[2] |
typedef Barycenter< Real > | SpatialBary |
typedef Box< 2, I32 > | Box2i |
typedef Box< 2, F32 > | Box2f |
typedef Box< 2, F64 > | Box2d |
typedef Box< 2, Real > | Box2 |
typedef Box< 3, F32 > | Box3f |
typedef Box< 3, F64 > | Box3d |
typedef Box< 3, Real > | Box3 |
typedef Box< 3, Real > | SpatialBox |
typedef Euler< F32 > | Eulerf |
typedef Euler< F64 > | Eulerd |
typedef Euler< Real > | SpatialEuler |
typedef Vector< 3, Real > | SpatialVector |
typedef Matrix< 3, 3, Real > | SpatialMatrix |
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, F32 > | Matrix3x4f |
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, F64 > | Matrix3x4d |
typedef Matrix< 3, 4, Real > | SpatialTransform |
typedef OrthonormalBasis< F32 > | OrthonormalBasisf |
typedef OrthonormalBasis< F64 > | OrthonormalBasisd |
typedef OrthonormalBasis< Real > | SpatialBasis |
typedef Quaternion< F32 > | Quaternionf |
typedef Quaternion< F64 > | Quaterniond |
typedef Quaternion< Real > | SpatialQuaternion |
typedef Vector< 2, double > | Vector2d |
typedef Vector< 2, float > | Vector2f |
typedef Vector< 2, FE_UWORD > | Vector2u |
typedef Vector< 2, I32 > | Vector2i |
typedef Vector< 2, Real > | Vector2 |
typedef Vector< 3, double > | Vector3d |
typedef Vector< 3, float > | Vector3f |
typedef Vector< 3, FE_UWORD > | Vector3u |
typedef Vector< 3, int > | Vector3i |
typedef Vector< 3, Real > | Vector3 |
typedef Vector< 4, F64 > | Vector4d |
typedef Vector< 4, F32 > | Vector4f |
typedef Vector< 4, FE_UWORD > | Vector4u |
typedef Vector< 4, int > | Vector4i |
typedef Vector< 4, Real > | Vector4 |
typedef float | Real |
typedef Real | t_real |
typedef std::vector< I32 > | t_vecint |
typedef std::vector< U32 > | t_vecuint |
typedef std::vector< t_real > | t_vecreal |
typedef Log * | t_logptr |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | allocateFunction(FE_UWORD byteCount) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | reallocateFunction(void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | MutexInitFunction(bool a_recursive) |
typedef void * | a_pRawMutex |
typedef void bool | a_un |
typedef void bool bool | a_try |
typedef void bool bool bool | a_readOnly |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | MutexGuardInitFunction(bool a_recursive, void *a_pRawMutex, bool a_readOnly) |
typedef void * | a_pRawGuard |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | MutexConditionInitFunction(void) |
typedef bool | a_recursive |
typedef bool | a_all |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | RegexInitFunction(const char *a_pattern) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | RegexMatchFunction(void *a_expression, const char *a_candidate) |
typedef const char *FE_CDECL | RegexResultFunction(void *a_result, U32 a_index) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | RegexReplaceFunction(void *a_expression, const char *a_candidate, const char *a_replacement) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | ThreadDefaultInitFunction(void) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | ThreadInitFunction(void *a_pFunctor) |
typedef String | a_property |
typedef String String | a_value |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | ThreadGroupInitFunction(void) |
typedef void *FE_CDECL | ThreadGroupCreateFunction(void *a_pRawThreadGroup, void *a_pFunctor) |
Enumerations | |
enum | Axis { e_xAxis =0x00, e_yAxis =0x01, e_zAxis =0x02 } |
enum | Result { e_ok =0x00000000, e_cancel, e_poison, e_alreadyAvailable, e_notNeeded, e_undefinedFailure =FE_FAILURE, e_unsupported, e_refused, e_outOfMemory, e_invalidFile, e_invalidHandle, e_invalidPointer, e_invalidRange, e_notInitialized, e_cannotChange, e_aborted, e_writeFailed, e_readFailed, e_cannotFind, e_cannotCreate, e_unsolvable, e_impossible, e_usage, e_system, e_typeMismatch, e_corrupt } |
Generalized return value indicating success or failure, and why. More... | |
Functions | |
String | print (ext::DrawMode::DrawStyle a_drawStyle) |
String | print (ext::DrawMode::Coloring a_coloring) |
String | print (const sp< ext::DrawMode > spDrawMode) |
Library * | CreateMechanicsLibrary (sp< Master > spMaster) |
const t_solve_v3 | solveZeroVector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
String | print (const ext::WindowEvent &event) |
template<typename P > | |
void | wavefrontPotential (Continuum< P > &a_potential, sp< StepCostI > a_costFn, const SpatialVector &a_target, const P &a_max, const P &a_min) |
void | snapshot (sp< RecordGroup > a_spRG, const char *a_str) |
void | assertCore (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster) |
template<typename T > | |
const fe_type_info & | getTypeId (void) |
template<typename T > | |
void | deleteByType (T t) |
void | deleteByType (void *pT) |
template<typename T > | |
void | deleteByType (T *pT) |
template<typename T > | |
void | deleteByType (T **ppT) |
template<typename T > | |
T | defaultByType (T t) |
template<typename T > | |
T * | defaultByType (T *pT) |
void | skip (std::istream &istrm, FE_UWORD cnt) |
void | output (std::ostream &ostrm, const String &s) |
void | output (std::ostream &ostrm, U8 u8) |
void | output (std::ostream &ostrm, U32 u32) |
void | output (std::ostream &ostrm, I32 i32) |
void | input (std::istream &istrm, String &s) |
void | input (std::istream &istrm, U8 &u8) |
void | input (std::istream &istrm, U32 &u32) |
void | input (std::istream &istrm, I32 &i32) |
void | milliSleep (long milliseconds) |
Sleep the current process for the given number of milliseconds. More... | |
void | microSleep (long microseconds) |
Sleep the current process for the given number of microseconds. More... | |
void | minimumSleep (long microseconds=1) |
Sleep the current process for the given number of microseconds or the minimum that the OS can resolve, whichever is larger. More... | |
void | nanoSpin (long nanoseconds) |
Delay the current thread for the given number of nanoseconds. More... | |
unsigned long | systemTick (void) |
Sleep the current thread for the given number of seconds and nanoseconds. More... | |
unsigned long | systemMicroseconds (void) |
Get the high precision microsecond timer. More... | |
template<class T > | |
sp< BaseType > | assertType (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster, const String &name) |
FE_DL_EXPORT Library * | CreateDataLibrary (sp< Master > spMaster) |
bool | operator< (const RecordAV &lhs, const RecordAV &rhs) |
bool | operator< (const RecordSB &lhs, const RecordSB &rhs) |
void | assertData (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster) |
BWORD | intersectRaySphere (Real *a_collisionDistance, const SpatialVector &a_rayRoot, const SpatialVector &a_rayDirection, const SpatialVector &a_sphereCenter, const Real &a_sphereRadius) |
BWORD | intersectLinePlane (SpatialVector &a_intersection, BWORD a_loBound, BWORD a_hiBound, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal) |
BWORD | intersectRayPlane (SpatialVector &a_intersection, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal) |
BWORD | intersectLineTriangle (SpatialVector &a_intersection, BWORD a_loBound, BWORD a_hiBound, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC, const SpatialVector &a_triNormal) |
BWORD | intersectRayTriangle (SpatialVector &a_intersection, const SpatialVector &a_lineLo, const SpatialVector &a_lineHi, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC) |
BWORD | intersectTrianglePlane (SpatialVector &a_intersectionA, SpatialVector &a_intersectionB, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC, const SpatialVector &a_pointOnPlane, const SpatialVector &a_planeNormal) |
BWORD | sideCheck (const SpatialVector &a_p1, const SpatialVector &a_p2, const SpatialVector &a_a, const SpatialVector &a_b) |
BWORD | pointInTriangle (const SpatialVector &a_point, const SpatialVector &a_triA, const SpatialVector &a_triB, const SpatialVector &a_triC) |
Vector2 | uvDelta (const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1) |
BWORD | triangleDuDv (SpatialVector &a_du, SpatialVector &a_dv, const SpatialVector &a_point0, const SpatialVector &a_point1, const SpatialVector &a_point2, const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1, const Vector2 &a_uv2) |
BWORD | tangentFromDuDvN (Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangent, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_du, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_dv, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normal) |
void | randomRealSeed (const U32 &a_seed) |
Real | randomReal (const Real &a_min, const Real &a_max) |
Real | randomRealReentrant (U32 *a_pSeed, const Real &a_min, const Real &a_max) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | triangleDuDv (Vector< 3, Real > &a_du, Vector< 3, Real > &a_dv, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_point2, const Vector2 &a_uv0, const Vector2 &a_uv1, const Vector2 &a_uv2) |
void | assertMath (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster) |
template<class T , typename U , typename V , typename W > | |
Barycenter< T > & | set (Barycenter< T > &a_lhs, U a_b0, V a_b1, W a_b2) |
template<int N, class T , typename U , typename V , typename W > | |
Vector< N, T > | location (const Barycenter< T > &a_barycenter, const Vector< N, U > &a_vert0, const Vector< N, V > &a_vert1, const Vector< N, W > &a_vert2) |
template<class T , typename U > | |
U | blend (const Barycenter< T > &a_barycenter, U a_value0, U a_value1, U a_value2) |
const Box3 | aabb (const Vector3f &location, const Vector3f &span, F32 baseRadius, F32 endRadius) |
const Box3 | aabb (const Vector3f &location, F32 radius) |
Color & | set (Color &lhs) |
template<typename U > | |
Color & | set (Color &lhs, U r) |
template<typename U , typename V > | |
Color & | set (Color &lhs, U r, V g) |
template<typename U , typename V , typename W > | |
Color & | set (Color &lhs, U r, V g, W b) |
template<class T > | |
T | minimum (T a, T b) |
template<class T > | |
T | maximum (T a, T b) |
template<class T > | |
T | clamp (T a, T lo, T hi) |
template<class T > | |
T | clampmax (T a, T hi) |
template<class T > | |
T | clampmin (T a, T lo) |
template<class T > | |
T | sign (T a) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
bool | isZero (T a_value, U a_tolerance) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isZeroV3 (const Vector< 3, T > &a_vec, T a_tolerance) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isZero (T a_value) |
bool | isZero (const Vector< 3, double > &a_vec) |
bool | isZero (const Vector< 3, float > &a_vec) |
const SpatialVector | zeroVector (Real(0), Real(0), Real(0)) |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
Matrix< M, N, T > & | set (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix) |
template<int M, int N, class T , class U > | |
Matrix< M, N, T > & | set (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix, const U *pArray) |
template<int M, int N, class T , class U > | |
Matrix< M, N, T > & | setAll (Matrix< M, N, T > &matrix, const U value) |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
void | squareroot (Matrix< M, N, T > &a_U, const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A) |
Square root of a matrix. More... | |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
void | backSub (const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A, Vector< N, T > &a_x, const Vector< N, T > &a_b) |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
void | transposeForeSub (const Matrix< M, N, T > &a_A, Vector< N, T > &a_x, const Vector< N, T > &a_b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & | osg_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix) |
4x4 invert More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | determinant3x3 (T a1, T a2, T a3, T b1, T b2, T b3, T c1, T c2, T c3) |
template<typename T > | |
T | determinant (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &m) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & | jad_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & | brk_invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > & | invert (Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_matrix) |
4x4 full matrix inversion More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 3, 3, T > & | invert (Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_matrix) |
3x3 matrix inversion More... | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | inverted (Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_inverted, const Matrix< 3, 3, T > &a_matrix) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > | perspective (T fovy, T aspect, T nearplane, T farplane) |
Create perspective projection transform just like gluPerspective. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | decomposePerspective (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_rProjection, T &a_rFovy, T &a_rAspect, T &a_rNearplane, T &a_rFarplane) |
Try to extract settings of a perspective matrix. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 4, 4, T > | ortho (T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_val, T far_val) |
Create orthogonal projection transform just like glOrtho. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | project (Vector< 4, T > &a_r, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v) |
project vector through matrix. divides by transformed w More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | unproject (Vector< 4, T > &a_r, const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v) |
reverse project vector through matrix. reverses w division More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | transformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v, Vector< 4, T > &a_r) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | transformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | inverseTransformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<typename T > | |
void | transposeTransformVector (const Matrix< 4, 4, T > &a_m, const Vector< 4, T > &a_v, Vector< 4, T > &a_r) |
template<int N, class T > | |
Matrix< N, N, T > & | outerProduct (Matrix< N, N, T > &result, const Vector< N, T > &a, const Vector< N, T > &b) |
BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_0, const SpatialVector &a_1, const SpatialVector &a_2, const SpatialVector &a_offset) |
BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_0, const SpatialVector &a_1, const SpatialVector &a_2, const SpatialTransform &a_transform) |
BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_direction, const SpatialVector &a_up) |
BWORD | makeFrameCameraZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_yDir, const SpatialVector &a_cameraZ) |
BWORD | makeFrameTangentX (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalY) |
BWORD | makeFrameNormalY (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalY) |
BWORD | makeFrameNormalZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const SpatialVector &a_location, const SpatialVector &a_tangentX, const SpatialVector &a_normalZ) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & | setIdentity (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | rotateVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | inverseRotateVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | transformVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
Vector< N, T > | inverseTransformVector (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< N, T > &in) |
template<typename T > | |
void | setColumn (int i, Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
void | getColumn (int i, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 3, T > &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & | scaleAll (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, U scalefactor) |
template<typename T , typename U , int N> | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & | scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< N, U > scalefactor) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & | scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 2, U > scalefactor) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > & | scale (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, Vector< 1, U > scalefactor) |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
void | copy (Matrix< 3, 4, T > &lhs, const Matrix< M, N, T > &rhs) |
template<int M, int N, class T > | |
void | copy (Matrix< M, N, T > &lhs, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &rhs) |
template<typename T > | |
T | determinant (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &matrix) |
template<class T > | |
Matrix< 3, 4, T > | operator* (const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &left, const Matrix< 3, 4, T > &right) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_2, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_offset) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_0, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_1, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_2, const SpatialTransform &a_transform) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrame (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_direction, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_up) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrameCameraZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_yDir, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_cameraZ) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrameTangentX (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalY) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrameNormalY (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalY) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC BWORD | makeFrameNormalZ (SpatialTransform &a_frame, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_location, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_tangentX, const Vector< 3, Real > &a_normalZ) |
SpatialQuaternion | stepVelocity (const SpatialQuaternion &previous, const SpatialQuaternion &desired, Real deltaT, Real maxVelocity, Real maxAcceleration) |
Return a new velocity based on desired change and constraints. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | rotateVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &in, Vector< 3, T > &out) |
template<typename T > | |
void | rotateXVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real x, Vector< 3, T > &out) |
template<typename T > | |
void | rotateYVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real y, Vector< 3, T > &out) |
template<typename T > | |
void | rotateZVector (const Quaternion< T > &lhs, Real z, Vector< 3, T > &out) |
template<class T > | |
Real | removeTwistAboutX (Quaternion< T > &rRotation) |
template<class T > | |
Real | removeTwistAboutY (Quaternion< T > &rRotation) |
template<class T > | |
Real | removeTwistAboutZ (Quaternion< T > &rRotation) |
template<typename T > | |
BWORD | checkValid (const T &a_value) |
template<typename T > | |
void | confirmValid (const T &a_value) |
BWORD | checkValid (const F32 &a_value) |
void | confirmValid (const F32 &a_value) |
BWORD | checkValid (const F64 &a_value) |
void | confirmValid (const F64 &a_value) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
BWORD | checkValid (const Vector< N, T > &a_vector) |
template<int N, typename T > | |
void | confirmValid (const Vector< N, T > &a_vector) |
template<int N> | |
BWORD | checkValid (const Vector< N, F32 > &a_vector) |
template<int N> | |
void | confirmValid (const Vector< N, F32 > &a_vector) |
template<int N> | |
BWORD | checkValid (const Vector< N, F64 > &a_vector) |
template<int N> | |
void | confirmValid (const Vector< N, F64 > &a_vector) |
template<typename T > | |
void | maybeConfirmValid (const T &a_value) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 2, T > & | set (Vector< 2, T > &lhs) |
template<class T , typename U , typename V > | |
Vector< 2, T > & | set (Vector< 2, T > &lhs, U x, V y=0.0) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 2, T > | operator+ (const Vector< 2, T > &lhs, const Vector< 2, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 2, T > | operator- (const Vector< 2, T > &lhs, const Vector< 2, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
void | polyInterp (const Array< Vector< 2, T > > &a_xy, const T &a_x, T &a_y, T &a_dy) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | cross3 (Vector< 3, T > &r, const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 3, T > | cross3 (const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | cross (Vector< 3, T > &r, const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 3, T > | cross (const Vector< 3, T > &lhs, const Vector< 3, T > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs) |
template<class T , typename U > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x) |
template<class T , typename U , typename V > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x, V y) |
template<class T , typename U , typename V , typename W > | |
Vector< 3, T > & | set (Vector< 3, T > &lhs, U x, V y, W z) |
void | fe_memory_lock (void) |
void | fe_memory_unlock (void) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void *FE_CDECL | ex_allocate (FE_UWORD byteCount) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void *FE_CDECL | ex_reallocate (void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL | ex_deallocate (void *pMemory) |
void FE_CDECL | feStdioPrintFunction (const char *pAscii) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL | setPrintFunction (printFunction *p_fn) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC void | intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Log *a_log) |
FE_DL_PUBLIC void | intrusive_ptr_release (Log *a_log) |
void | vsPrintf (std::string &target, const char *fmt, va_list ap, int &size) |
Format text into a fe::String. More... | |
DualString | errorDualString (int errnum) |
Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code. More... | |
BWORD | operator== (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2) |
Compare two DualString's. More... | |
BWORD | operator== (const char *s1, const DualString &s2) |
Compare a byte buffer to an DualString. More... | |
BWORD | operator== (const DualString &s1, const char *s2) |
Compare an DualString to a byte buffer. More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2) |
Compare two DualString's (reverse logic) More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const char *s1, const DualString &s2) |
Compare a byte buffer to an DualString (reverse logic) More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const DualString &s1, const char *s2) |
Compare an DualString to a byte buffer (reverse logic) More... | |
DualString | operator+ (const DualString &s1, const DualString &s2) |
String | print (const Exception &a_rException) |
typedef | void (FE_CDECL deallocateFunction)(void *pMemory) |
void * | allocate (FE_UWORD byteCount) |
void | deallocate (void *pMemory) |
void * | reallocate (void *pMemory, FE_UWORD byteCount) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL | setAllocateFunction (allocateFunction *p_fn) |
FE_DL_EXPORT void FE_CDECL | setDeallocateFunction (deallocateFunction *p_fn) |
typedef | bool (FE_CDECL MutexLockFunction)(bool a_recursive |
void * | ompmutex_init (bool a_recursive) |
bool | ompmutex_lock (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex, bool a_un, bool a_try, bool a_readOnly) |
void | ompmutex_finish (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex) |
void * | ompguard_init (bool a_recursive, void *a_pMutex, bool a_readOnly) |
bool | ompguard_lock (bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_un, bool a_try, bool a_readOnly) |
void | ompguard_finish (bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_readOnly) |
void * | ompcondition_init (void) |
bool | ompcondition_wait (void *a_pCondition, bool a_recursive, void *a_pGuard, bool a_readOnly) |
bool | ompcondition_notify (void *a_pCondition, bool a_all) |
void | ompcondition_finish (void *a_pCondition) |
FE_DL_EXPORT bool | omp_mutex_init (void) |
void * | ompthread_default_init (void) |
void * | ompthread_init (void *a_pFunctor) |
void | ompthread_interrupt (void *a_pThread) |
void | ompthread_join (void *a_pThread) |
bool | ompthread_joinable (void *a_pThread) |
void | ompthread_finish (void *a_pThread) |
void | ompthread_interruption (void) |
int | ompthread_concurrency (void) |
void * | ompgroup_init (void) |
void * | ompgroup_create (void *a_pThreadGroup, void *a_pFunctor) |
void | ompgroup_join_all (void *a_pThreadGroup) |
void | ompgroup_finish (void *a_pThreadGroup) |
FE_DL_EXPORT bool | omp_thread_init (void) |
float | compute_dpi (void) |
float | determine_multiplication (Real a_dpi) |
const char * | resultString (Result result) |
Return a string for a result code. More... | |
BWORD | successful (Result result) |
Returns TRUE if the result value indicates a success. More... | |
BWORD | failure (Result result) |
Returns TRUE if the result value indicates a failure. More... | |
String | errorString (int errnum) |
Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code. More... | |
void * | fe_memrchr (const void *s, int c, size_t n) |
BWORD | operator== (const String &s1, const String &s2) |
Compare two String's. More... | |
BWORD | operator== (const char *s1, const String &s2) |
Compare a byte buffer to an String. More... | |
BWORD | operator== (const String &s1, const char *s2) |
Compare an String to a byte buffer. More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const String &s1, const String &s2) |
Compare two String's (reverse logic) More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const char *s1, const String &s2) |
Compare a byte buffer to an String (reverse logic) More... | |
BWORD | operator!= (const String &s1, const char *s2) |
Compare an String to a byte buffer (reverse logic) More... | |
String | operator+ (const String &s1, const String &s2) |
String | operator+ (const String &s1, const int &i) |
String | operator+ (const int &i, const String &s1) |
String | operator+ (const String &s1, const float &f) |
String | operator+ (const float &f, const String &s1) |
String | print (const String &a_rString) |
String | print (char *a_buffer) |
String | print (U32 a_integer) |
String | print (I32 a_integer) |
String | print (F32 a_float) |
String | print (F64 a_double) |
typedef | int (FE_CDECL ThreadConcurrencyFunction)(void) |
template<class T > | |
fe::String FE_CDECL | fe_type_name () |
void | assertPlugin (sp< TypeMaster > spTypeMaster) |
template<class T > | |
sp< T > | component_cast (sp< Component > spC) |
Variables | |
Real | epsilon = 1.0 |
const EpsilonCalc | epscalc |
const Real | pi =Real(M_PI) |
const Real | degToRad =fe::pi/Real(180) |
const Real | radToDeg =Real(180)/fe::pi |
const Real | tol =1e-5f |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT printFunction * | gs_pPrintFunction =feStdioPrintFunction |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexInitFunction * | gs_fnRegexInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexMatchFunction * | gs_fnRegexMatch =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexMatchFunction * | gs_fnRegexSearch =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexResultFunction * | gs_fnRegexResult =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexReplaceFunction * | gs_fnRegexReplace =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexFinishFunction * | gs_fnRegexFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT RegexReleaseFunction * | gs_fnRegexRelease =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexInitFunction * | gs_fnMutexInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexLockFunction * | gs_fnMutexLock =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexFinishFunction * | gs_fnMutexFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardInitFunction * | gs_fnMutexGuardInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardLockFunction * | gs_fnMutexGuardLock =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexGuardFinishFunction * | gs_fnMutexGuardFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionInitFunction * | gs_fnMutexConditionInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionWaitFunction * | gs_fnMutexConditionWait =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionNotifyFunction * | gs_fnMutexConditionNotify =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT MutexConditionFinishFunction * | gs_fnMutexConditionFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String | gs_mutexSupport |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT DL_Loader * | gs_pMutexLoader =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadDefaultInitFunction * | gs_fnThreadDefaultInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInitFunction * | gs_fnThreadInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadConfigFunction * | gs_fnThreadConfig =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInterruptFunction * | gs_fnThreadInterrupt =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadJoinFunction * | gs_fnThreadJoin =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadJoinableFunction * | gs_fnThreadJoinable =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadFinishFunction * | gs_fnThreadFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadInterruptionFunction * | gs_fnThreadInterruption =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadConcurrencyFunction * | gs_fnThreadConcurrency =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupInitFunction * | gs_fnThreadGroupInit =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupCreateFunction * | gs_fnThreadGroupCreate =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupJoinAllFunction * | gs_fnThreadGroupJoinAll =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT ThreadGroupFinishFunction * | gs_fnThreadGroupFinish =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String | gs_threadSupport |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT DL_Loader * | gs_pThreadLoader =NULL |
FE_DL_PUBLIC FE_DL_EXPORT String | gs_logPrefix |
allocateFunction * | gs_pAllocateFunction |
deallocateFunction * | gs_pDeallocateFunction |
reallocateFunction * | gs_pReallocateFunction |
void * | gs_pHeapBase |
I32 | gs_newCheck |
typedef Array< sp<Attribute> > fe::t_attributes |
Attribute collection.
typedef std::list< sp<Depend> > fe::t_depends |
Depend collection.
typedef Array< hp<Layout> > fe::t_layouts |
Layout collection.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Referenced by maybeConfirmValid().
inline |
References checkValid().
inline |
References checkValid().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Try to extract settings of a perspective matrix.
DualString fe::errorDualString | ( | int | error | ) |
Return a string for an FE_ERRNO code.
Referenced by operator!=().
inline |
4x4 full matrix inversion
References osg_invert().
Referenced by fe::ext::ParticleMountSystem::compile(), fe::ext::RigParticleMountSystem::compile(), fe::Matrix< 3, 4, T >::copyTranslation(), fe::ext::TireISystem::step(), fe::ext::SurfaceGroundTireSystem::step(), fe::ext::GroundCollisionSystem::step(), fe::ext::TireContactSystem::step(), fe::ext::MountSystem::step(), fe::ext::ParticleMountSystem::step(), and fe::ext::RigParticleMountSystem::step().
inline |
3x3 matrix inversion
inline |
References confirmValid().
Referenced by fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::addScaled(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::dot(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::equivalent(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::magnitudeSquared(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::normalize(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::normalizeSafe(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator*(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator*=(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator+(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator+=(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator-(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator-=(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator/(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::operator==(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::print(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::scaleAndAdd(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::set(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::size(), fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::unit(), and fe::Vector< 4, t_moa_real >::unitSafe().
inline |
Compare two DualString's (reverse logic)
References fe::DualString::compare().
inline |
Compare a byte buffer to an DualString (reverse logic)
References fe::DualString::compare().
inline |
Compare an DualString to a byte buffer (reverse logic)
References fe::DualString::c_str(), fe::DualString::catf(), fe::DualString::compare(), and errorDualString().
Compare two String's (reverse logic)
References fe::String::equals().
inline |
Compare a byte buffer to an String (reverse logic)
inline |
Compare an String to a byte buffer (reverse logic)
References fe::String::c_str(), fe::String::cat(), fe::String::equals(), and fe::String::sPrintf().
inline |
Compare two DualString's.
References fe::DualString::compare().
Referenced by fe::ext::WindowEvent::initializeRecord().
inline |
Compare a byte buffer to an DualString.
References fe::DualString::compare().
inline |
Compare an DualString to a byte buffer.
References fe::DualString::compare().
Compare two String's.
References fe::String::equals().
inline |
Compare a byte buffer to an String.
inline |
Compare an String to a byte buffer.
References fe::String::equals().
inline |
Create orthogonal projection transform just like glOrtho.
inline |
4x4 invert
Referenced by invert().
inline |
Create perspective projection transform just like gluPerspective.
inline |
project vector through matrix. divides by transformed w
Referenced by fe::ext::ViewCommon::screenInfo().
inline |
Square root of a matrix.
This is a Cholesky Factorization: trans(U)*U = A
FE_DL_PUBLIC SpatialQuaternion fe::stepVelocity | ( | const SpatialQuaternion & | previous, |
const SpatialQuaternion & | desired, | ||
Real | deltaT, | ||
Real | maxVelocity, | ||
Real | maxAcceleration | ||
) |
Return a new velocity based on desired change and constraints.
Over the given delta time, tries to return desired change, but contrains the result using the previous velocity, maximum velocity and maximum acceleration.
The desired change is how far the velocity would take the angle in this frame if acceleration was infinite. The result may try to predict deceleration if the remaining change is relatively small with respect to the maxAcceleration.
Note that the use of quaternions limits angular values to 180 degrees, including velocity and acceleration (per second and second^2).
inline |
reverse project vector through matrix. reverses w division
void FE_DL_EXPORT fe::vsPrintf | ( | std::string & | target, |
const char * | fmt, | ||
va_list | ap, | ||
int & | size | ||
) |
Format text into a fe::String.